Nethserver-tt-rss : Need tests

I need feedbacks on a new module I’m working on : nethserver-tt-rss.

yum install

normally the service tt-rss (which controls the feed updates) will be started automatically, if you want to control it

service tt-rss start

you can use (start, stop, restart, status)

you can see the internal configuration database
# config show tt-rss

once you have modified a property you need to launch a signal-event

config setprop tt-rss status disabled
signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update

Then you have to go to https://your_ip/tt-rss and use a valid user of your nethserver (can be ‘admin’ if a password is set)
source are available -> and

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Impressive! :smile:
Great job @stephdl it works really well on 6.6.
It will take time to review all the code, I quickly noticed an improvement on mysql handling.
Since you’re using the system db, the port prop should be read from the mysqld key:

my $port = $db->get_prop('mysqld','TCPPort')|| '3306';

in /etc/e-smith/templates/usr/share/tt-rss/config.php/10database.
Probably accessing mysqld through a socket would be better.
Then tt-rss db default for MysqlPort should be removed.

I hope that programmers better than me could review your code. :slight_smile:

Yep that can be done, but in fact I thought that if someone would use another instance of mysql on another port, then it will be easier for switching.

Thanks for testing and reviews @filippo_carletti

Uh @stephdl thanks! Really interesting module.

minor change, see first comment to update