NethServer project milestone 8.3


NethServer project milestone 8.3, nice.

Great, so now NS8 can have more than 8 user domains, although only one can be a samba file server…

And only one usable AD. more ADs are possible, but they do not serve any redundancy, as they are not accessible to any other PCs or Servers, the other AD is only available to cluster Apps, not for general use. Pity…
This enforces the use of another VM or host, just to act as second AD - and can not be in the cluster…

I am VERY disapointed that the file server - and AD by extension - is not getting any relevant attention. A file server has to have backups, and also file and folder restores, so that’s very basic. That it took so long is not very good.

And still no WSDD included - this means I have to use a lot more OpenMediaVault systems as a file server. Why WSDD is not included in the AD container is something I do not understand, as implementing WSDD is basically a one liner…

10 different LDAP user bases may have use in a cloud or Internet based environment, but for a typical SME company, LDAP has no use with NethServer, as LDAP can not provide file sharing or AD Authentification.

If AD and File Server do not get attention soon (Within the next two milestones, milestone 8.5), I will probably move to setting up my own AD - and just use OMV VMs as file servers (member servers in AD).

After nearly 10 years of using NethServer, I would regret moving away, this Forum is very unique and has a lot of great people here…

But in the end: Neither I nor any of my SME clients need 100+ Apps.
What we DO need:

  • one or more AD DCs.
  • one or more file servers.
  • mail.
  • nextcloud.

Both Mail and Nextcloud should also have redundant options.

Any other needed app can run as a container or VM, and if it supports AD integration, even better.
Using Debian does not pose version problems, like it was when using the dated Centos7 on NethServer 7.9. (The reason why most NS7 have several different PHP, PHPmyAdmin and MariaDB versions…). And using Debian will also make for easy updates…

And that’s about it.

I’m sorry, @davidep, @alefattorini , but I am really very disapointed with the progress NS8 is now making…
I do hope I am not pressed to leave NS8, but the future will show soon what happens.

My 2 cents