Nethserver-portainer needs testers AND ideas :D

…and Wordpress too:


I don’t know if for a production server is the right choice but for everything else looks a great you!
NethServer may become a good development platform, for example.

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I’m not innocent, it is the goal :slight_smile:

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I suppose that we should publish a little howto or refer to an existing one. In fact portainer looks like the docker command line, you can launch a container with no choices, portainer will decide for you, but it is not the better method.

when you use a container (not preconfigured template) you need to decide

image of your container (if you don’t precise : latest is added, go to
port (automatic or manual setting)
volume mounted (docker volume for persistent data if you crash the container)
bind path mounted (local path mounted in the container for persistent data)
restart policy (unless-stopped is fine-> restart if crash or server reboot)
runtime & ressources (ram, processor max)

sometime with a container you have to link one for a database connection, either use the mysql/postgresql on your host or use also a container for this purpose.

It is really a new perspective for thinking your architecture…not time yet, but I would try to test a module based on it…our template system could write on a bind path or a volume, we just need to create few bind/module for configuration area.

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…and that’s what has me scratching my head a little bit, as I’m not seeing how to do it through Portainer. For example, if I want to set up, I first need to run mongodb, and then link the container to that.

eventually you might use docker-compose also (check first post)…I’m still experimenting too

FYI ssl is on the grill


Unfortunately that isn’t (and won’t be) available through Portainer. I ultimately probably just need to learn some Docker basics, as I just don’t see what the big deal is at this point, or really understand how it’s supposed to work. And without any real understanding of the underlying technology, the pretty UI probably isn’t going to help much.

yes a new learning curve is needed

one another guy in the black, but this is my test

create the mariadb with the template, set root and password

install the wordpress instance from the template
edit the wordpress container, check the ‘ENV’ you can see WORDPRESS_DB_HOST and WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD

so this is what are the settings of your mariadb

install a docker container from scratch, at the first login set the mariadb credential

login admin
password :xxxxxx
host : (in my case)

probably when you create the container you can add the ENV settings if you know them (check the dockerhub)

need to check if I can use the mariadb server of NS, it could simplify the backup

Just some fun

Looks great but, how can I switch docker to use the green interface for testing instead of the red (external)

by design If a red interface exists, docker uses it. I suppose you are in gateway mode (red and green) ?

Yes on a live system.

gateway at your home ?

Is it due to shorewall behavior?


in fact in the portainer interface you have a pointer (url link) you can use to reach the docker port via the TCP port

if you do not set an ip to docker you cannot use this web link, for now you use the first green interface and if you have a red interface you switch to it.

I’m not sure that shorewall can restrict the IP access once a port is delegated to docker, for what I tested the ports are opened.

still in alpha/beta stage, but it is promised :smiley:

I don’t believe it has anything to do with shorewall.
when I do a “docker network inspect bridge” i can see it binding to my external ip

check the template (from head)


and adjust the NIC

restart docker

Excellent. It work’s.
for your info though. I could not connect using the
nethserver - applications - portainer - open button.
I think it tried to make an http connection.
when I manually entered the url I logged in no problem.
Thanks again…

ok, like said it is a beta, we can go to red if ONLY no green interface is available