Nethserver Moodle from Wiki

Delete database files:

rm -rf /var/opt/rh/rh-mariadb103/lib/mysql/*

Remove mariadb103 including nethserver-mariadb:

yum remove "*mariadb103*"

And how to remove the “moodle-version-mix”?

yum remove nethserver-moodle?

or do you think it is bettter to give a re-install of mariadb103 a try following @stephdl procedure?

Yes, it’s a mariadb103 issue as default databases were not created.

Removed mariadb103, reinstalled it according to

stopped service
Deleted all datĂĄbases
re-installed all databases
re-installed moodle database
restart service

→ no succcess, same behavior as before.

Some files may need to be removed manually (changed config files etc.)

To get files/dirs of a package:

rpm -ql rh-mariadb103-mariadb-server

Maybe fire up a VM and install mariadb103 to compare.

This ist to dangerous 4 me:

The list contains e.g. the directory:


This directory does contain the db files of the regular SQK installation. Obviously, it must not be deleted.

Lets do it vice versa:

The command

find -iname *mariadb103* > /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/public/mariadb103-relicts.txt

looks for files containing mariadb103. Its output is:

I send the output from

rpm -ql rh-mariadb103-mariadb-server

to a file, too. The outpout is here

Any line in the latter contains the string “mariadb103” except of one line:

/var/lib/mysql :slight_smile:

Can you countercheck the “relicts-file” if these are only relicts, pls?
Can you you confirm that the mysql-file-list.txt does (except the line above) contain files for mariadb103?


Sorry, I don’t know which files exactly are needed to solve the issue. You could move the files away instead of deleting them or try it in a snapshotted VM and delete everything.

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