Brother @robb. Really this is a very good proposal, as are yours.
I take the word of @alefattorini to open a topic here - i.e. - about CMS. There is so much variety that would be nice look more like, Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress, but there are some very versatile day today, including some commercial such as Prestashop or Arastta
Regarding Plex seems to me that is an alternative to a public home, as it can be Kodi or as may be Kaltura for a business environment for media and Internet TV. (Kaltura prefer CentOS 6+ servers). Here is another topic
I could give other examples, but the choices each of us can provide are endless. And that’s excellent. Having, by topic, several cases already evaluated to document its implementation. Such is the case of Xerte and Piwik
I feel Nethserver has an interesting magnet, which invites us to make a very enjoyable and productive technological community
I have a dream … A central NS as monitor of the other servers in the School Intranet System
(Excuse me. It’s another topic