NethServer comparisons with other similar products

Hi all,

I have noticed that there are a lot of comparisons here and I think it would be wise to have the comparisons side by side with each other. I have created a Google Spreadsheet based on the previous feature of Zentyal since a lot of us came from it. However, it should be flexible, we can modify it as needed.

The comparison, in its present form is still bare/raw, so pls. bear with it as it still requires a lot of inputs/modifications. Also, I may have mis-classified some features as well as some erroneous wordings and programs used so if you can point it to the right direction.

I am also looking into involving several of us to edit the spreadsheet as I may not be able to update it. If you do volunteer, pls. PM me your GMail account so I can include you as collaborator.

And for those who just wanted to comment, pls. do as I have opened the spreadsheet for comment.

As it is, Ticks means generally supported while it would be better if we can include the technology/program behind it. For others, a simple blank or N/A will suffice. However, to basically identify that a feature is not supported (i.e. a firewall was not meant to serve as mail server) we have the background as RED.

We can also put something like “Commercial Add-On.”

@zamboni, a lot is asking for comparisons and those who are researching for the right product to study and/or deploy would greatly benefit from these comparisons.

While its fun, it hopefully will be helpful. So here we go… :grinning: :beers: