NethServer 8 container wishlist

13 posts were split to a new topic: Consider MooseFS for Nethserver 8

In my View, Nethserver can be the Cool Kid SME management and Automation solution that just works and gets things Done for Organizations with no large resources to setup complex systems, but at the same time being able to scale to a large organization.

Most of the Core functionalities are already supported in the current form of nethsever.
but going a nothch higher.

Self hosted cluster-able DNS solution.
Ansible automation scripts management. user authentication and keys management,
Internal coporate wiki and collaboration tools. Full functional SSO with easy integration to other solutions.
Password management etc.

on this Note, i also came accross this solution domainaware/parsedmarc: A Python package and CLI for parsing aggregate and forensic DMARC reports (

which i thing is fantastic addition to Nethserver. analyzing DMARC is a pain, all solutions available are hosted solutions.

Nethserver can be the Anti-Hosted platforms MotherShip.

In Additon to this Post, ill tag this post too.
SSL and Keys automation - Feature - NethServer Community


Something like Atlassian Statuspage or uptimerobot.

Ok, maybe Zabbix could do something similar, but… If mr @Andy_Wismer don’t correct me, i should authenticate to Zabbix for access some sysadmin managed dashboard.

Consider Nethserver as the resident server for a distributed architectures of devices (solar implants, industral devices, IoThings) and have some small box (raspberry) to show to people “15 min, nothing wrong here”…
With no authentication.




Yeah, it s A very simple, yet meaningful Uptime Tool. plus it offers public uptime pages, that you can expose to clients, to see what services are running and what is down.
its not a fully fledged monitoring solution like zabbix.

Implement LDAP in Mattermost
While this is not a separate software solution, it is a buildup on what is already existing. that is implementing Ldap Authentication into Mattermost, handled dierectly and supported by NS.
that can be achiebed using this Crivaledaz/Mattermost-LDAP: This module provides an external LDAP authentication in Mattermost for the Team Edition (free). (

with the upstream NS being updated from the provided source.

That implies that Mattermost Free-Edition with LDAP is supported by NethServer?

I don’t think that will EVER happen, simply as NethServer doesn’t provide support for 3rd party programs which has no maintainer in the Forum / Platform.

But anyone who want’s to use the LDAP plugin is free to do so - it’s just not supported here.

If you want to volunteer to maintain the software, you’re welcome to do so.

My 2 cents

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if its just an installable module or component i don’t thing there is anything wrong with that.

Nothing wrong with that, but:

It still needs to be put together with every update - and that’s what will make it not supported, and also not part of NS8…

Unless you have the time and knowhow to “package” this!

Have you ever installed Mattermost WITH LDAP? I have a strong feeling the answer here is NO !!!

My 2 cents

The answer is no, because i do not use mattermost, offering sugegstions in the community sometimes does not necessary mean you need to have worked on something or are using it, it could be for others to benefit.

i should not be prevented from psoting a link or sugegstion to a feature or service i saw, which seems meaningful to others who might not be aware it exists becaus ei do not use it. it would be selfish of me.

Since we are talking About containers in NS8, i came across this Watchtower (
a tool that automatically watches out for updates on containers and pulls updated, keeping your custom configs in place.


I saw Minio somehwere as done in Nethserver 8. interesting…

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hello, does paperlessNGX sort you out in regards to these requirements you had made?

I would close that discussion, it’s not easy to find good ideas for our @app_authors
What do you think?
Why not open a new topic on Feature ? Explaining why that app would be great for ns8

For me, the problem with this topic is that the discussions that are started immediately make the thread confusing.
First a flat list of ideas, then you can always take it up separately, evaluate it, discuss it, …

I wish Discourse a feature similar to UserVoice or Fider

@alefattorini i saw you actively contribution to meta discourse forum on such a feature back in 2016, whatever happened to that conversation…

Do we need to Host or provide a Similar Feature for NS8, to Make it easier for members to suggest Apps they need added, and Community Members to Upvote on them?

is this achievable using the Discourse in its current constitution

3 posts were split to a new topic: Password Management like Bitwarden/Vaultwarden-Modulee

I don’t think that voting, as a discourse feature, is useful.
I would appreciate most people who told us WHY we need this feature

  • what problem does it resolve?
  • which the scenario is?
  • how would you like to implement it?

A vote is useless without a bit of context.

its suggestions and voting, overall if things can still work fine, no need to overcomplicate life hen.

Can provide some options to express agreement and standing behind the need of a specific container…