Nethsecurity RC2-81 no top list anymore

Hi after the update to 8 23.05.3-ns.0.0.5-rc2-81-gf04a739 i don’t have the top list in the dahboard anymore. The list is empty

Probably, the daemon is not running, check it with:

# ps aux | grep dpi

You should see something like.

root      1814  3.5  0.3  14128 11900 ?        Sl   09:53   0:01 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/dpireport

If it is not running, just start it manually:

/etc/init.d/dpireport start

That solved the problem. :+1:

Looks like it is(was) not starting after a reboot
It tried also a restart which didn’t solve the problem

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