I’m working on a tiny module based on [linux-dash][1], to monitor in real time what’s happening in your nethserver. it is based on php scripts, available on a git remote repository and each time you launch the event signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update you will update it.
config setprop linux-dash access public
signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
stop the web service (enabled/disabled)
config setprop linux-dash status disabled
signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
change the url name
config setprop linux-dash Name plop
signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
After that you can see your server-activity (bandwithd, cpu, nethwork, accounts…) in real time, go to https://IP/linux-dash (if you don’t have changed the url) or go to dashboard->applications->linux-dash (think to set a password to the admin user)
[1]: https://github.com/afaqurk/linux-dash
I like NethServer dashboard but sometimes it is too static, what you have adjusted seems to be a good hint.
Theorically every section of NethServer’s dashboard should be dynamic but with different refresh typology: by time interval, by event.
I think that there are technical limitations but, for instance:
backup section should refreshed/updated by event (post backup)
hardware related sections by time interval or in real time as in linux-dash
A refresh spot like the one in linux-dash (top right corner) could be a good start.
Thank for your interest, I thought that for now it is lacking for Neth some monitoring modules and if possible easy to take in hand…nagios, cactus, zabbiz can’t be used by all guys on this earth, and at least they need some end customisation after the installation. I have done a little module like that with glances, but glances can’t be password protected before september 2015 Of course i’m speaking about the web glances.
Therefore I’m also looking after Munin, it is quite simple, written in Perl (I do love Perl) I want to have a go on it but if you know other monitoring solutions, I listen you
I’m the maintainer of sme9admin and I do know the work I put inside, only to adapt from sme8admin, I don’t want to maintain a contrib like that, it is too much time consuming, I would prefer use something already done
Just for a matter of interest I have corrected a bug concerning the https redirection if you change the url Name and the cleaning of linux-dash folder, please upgrade or reinstall as the first post.