Monitoring inside LAN

System Version NethServer release 7.4.1708 (Final)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.11.1.el7.x86_64

Hello Folks, i try to figure out if there is a possibility to monitor the Network Traffic inside a Lan with the Nethserver. Any Tips for that?

Thanks in advice

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Please have a look at the following link

18 Commands to Monitor Network Bandwidth on Linux server - BinaryTides
I installed iptraf, but no more testing till know.
If you want to install it:
yum install iptraf

you have to call it with



You can also install ntopng:

yum install nethserver-ntopng

And if you feel brave and want to test the latest release (we already use it in production):

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-ntopng

Good Morning and thanks a lot for your Help. I have installed he nethserver-ntopng from nethserver testing and from what i see it should be working. the service is up and reachable from green on port 3000. But if i go there i receive the message


404 - Language not found


what can i do?

Okay, seems to be working right now, but got Probs to enter Lightsquid and Statistik Page now…

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Some errors at the logs?

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nothing to see, its just not rechable… no idea at the moment.

Probably httpd-admin didn’t reloaded correctly.

Try to execute:

systemctl restart httpd-admin
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i guess something in that way went wrong. If i try to go from the netgui and reach Lightsquid i got an “can not connect to the server under localhost.” when i try to reach ntop i got an Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

but if i go from the netgui bandwidth ntop works and also from the bandwith monitor it works perfekt.