Minucci Utilities is out

(Sorry for my bad english)

I write some CLI utilities for nethserver. You can found here https://github.com/carlominucci/MinucciUtilities

There is three CLI command:

jm is for list of joined machine to the domain
lf is for list of opened file bu user
but the most important command is ldu

With ldu you can search user who are not logged from some year, passed like paramenter


ldu 0

is for list user who never logged

ldu 2

is for list user who are not logged from 2 years ago.

I hope i have explained with my bad englis :slight_smile:

Iā€™d like to receiver some feedback.


These utilities apply to which kind of account provider?

what do you mean?

For Active Directory, as far as I understand.

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Wonderful, thank for sharing! :rocket:

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Thanks for your work!
I found that your scripts work with remote AD too. :+1:
ldu is really nice for finding unused/old/remnant users.

Found a little bug: If no user is connected, lf throws an error:

[root@server MinucciUtilities]# ./lf
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in /root/MinucciUtilities/lf on line 9
Usage: [-?fMRSTrAV] [-?|--help] [--usage] [-B|--broadcast BROADCAST-ADDRESS] [-f|--flags] [-U|--unicast STRING] [-M|--master-browser] [-R|--recursion] [-S|--status] [-T|--translate] [-r|--root-port] [-A|--lookup-by-ip]
        [-d|--debuglevel DEBUGLEVEL] [-s|--configfile CONFIGFILE] [-l|--log-basename LOGFILEBASE] [-V|--version] [--option=name=value] [-O|--socket-options SOCKETOPTIONS] [-n|--netbiosname NETBIOSNAME] [-W|--workgroup WORKGROUP]
        [-i|--scope SCOPE] <NODE> ...
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in /root/MinucciUtilities/lf on line 11

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 2 in /root/MinucciUtilities/lf on line 15
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try 'grep --help' for more information.

Somebody can me explain why the ldap date format is so complicated?

I added some new utilities

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Any NS8 adoption for the Ad utilities?

I have not tested on NS8.
I add to my todo list :slight_smile: