Migrating from SME 9.2 to nethserver - question about horde

I’m thinking about migrating from SME to NS. Am I right that there’s no more a nethserver-horde module in any repo installable? I read a few threads about horde and NS but it seems there’s no easy way to get this done. Any suggestions? Is it worth or should I better think of changing to WebTop 5?

Thanks for any hints.


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Check out the wiki of nethserver, you have the unofficial modules, afaik @mrmarkuz does the work for you

It seems there is no page on it

Why ?

You have a nice integration with webtop5, it is more likely a groupware now

Horde should still work except that you can’t use the recent TLS policy, see Horde login problems - #5 by mrmarkuz

I guess because it’s not hosted in a community repo.

I think we just need a new release to make it available again.

Much more likely because a wiki page simply hasn’t been created there yet.

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OK, that’s kind of harsh, but I can’t stand WebTop. Horde’s running great for me, though.


You mean it is in nethforge ?

Yes, at least it was there.

Maybe with the Neth upgrade to 7.9 it wasn’t considered.

I think in case of Nethforge modules we need an official documentation like we have for docker.

AFAIK the wiki is for “external” community repo modules, see sogo or collabora which have moved to Nethforge.

Will check it, who is the maintainer ?

Thanks, IIRC @m.traeumner is the maintainer

Thank’s to everybody for jumping in.

Meanwhile I took a quick look at webtop5. As I already know sogo, egroupware, zarafa, roundcube and co., I’d really like to stay with horde. Dumping and restoring the database from SME to NS wouldn’t work? I assume, someone tried this already.

I have running two pretty similar production SME 9.2 boxes. Similar means, different domains, users and groups, besides letsencrypt and email configuration (both with a static IP acting as mailservers).

Maybe the wrong question at this place (forgive me if so) - is there a commercial help for migrating the two boxes to nethserver? I.e. I could send a clone to do the work.


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A post was split to a new topic: Horde issues before to release

Thank’s to everybody in this thread, specially stephdl who kicked the ball and to mrmarkuz, who helped to track the problems down in the bug-section. Finally I have a running horde, pretty hard work, the hint with TLS was the goalgetter. I will start to migrate to NS. As we have a corona-lockdown in Germany I assume, there’ll be a lot of time to do the work for myself, maybe with a little help from the forum.



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