Linux goes to school with NethServer

I think I can help with custom templates, but I need a recap of the problem and the proposed solution.

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Well, thanks for u help filippo. The proxmox we have is under one proxy. I know the dns primary and secondary of the network. I have permission to configure the proxy of the proxmox and download anything for anywhere. But I am beginning to work with centos and nethserver. So I dont know where begin to study in order to configure the network in nethserver with proxmox.

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I’d start from CentOS manuals, NethServer do not change CentOS.

NethServer network configuration is stored in a text-only database called networks, so to store/change a value the command is something like:
db networks setprop eth0 macaddr 11:22:33:44:55:66.
But I usually work/test the CentOS way and only when everything works I change the db if needed.



I’ve a dream…

My target are small classrooms (max 20 students).

The dream is based on:

  • 1 Nethserserv (minimal) which play the rule of: gateway, account manager, and roaming files (means he has the homes of the students into itself)
  • a client based on Edubuntu iso (remastered and customized to perfectly fit with the previous server)

installation scenario:

install the Netherserv vanilla, adds the necessary modules and replace a backup file (which has all the configurations necessary); on the other part, starts to install the various PC clients using the customized Edubuntu… you may have a classroom ready in half day…

…but I’m newbie and probably this request tons of work.

This could be a “Nethserver starter kit” to the schools…


Ok, our solution is not so minimal, but it is modular, so you may disable/remove parts of the system you would not need.

Check, check, check.

Not an ISO, but we boot and install from scratch the clients using PXE booting. Your installation is limited by media on which you may have the ISO: we are using the LAN for the lab and installing 25+ clients all at once.

Yep, we do that :wink: except we are doing it from scratch instead of having already a backup configuration to restore.[quote=“yakman000, post:81, topic:2132”]
This could be a “Nethserver starter kit” to the schools…
That’s what we are trying to make with our project. Again, for the sake of completeness, you may find here all the stuff needed in GNU GPL v3.0.


@apradoc maybe here is the answer to your prayers.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Web filtering on https connections ( Google searches and Youtube )

The classroom project could be solved by using LTSP, but I think there isn’t a package out yet for NS to use. The homes are stored on a server. You only need to setup your ns server as an dhcp server or backup server. This is something that should or must be included into a school-package. The OS is compiled on the main server and can be edited over a chroot.

Hi Mika,
LTSP can be a sollution in a classroom (together with something like [epoptes]( linux only) or iTalc ( both Windows and Linux)
However, do realize that LTSP needs a lot of resources. Especially RAM. This isn’t a feature that should be glued upon NS just because it looks cool. Although I do like LTSP a LOT, imo running LTSP on an SBS-like server is asking for problems.


You probably know that you can also create fat-clients, where all the stuff runs on the client itself :slight_smile: . Or you can use Raspberry Pis and combine them with pinet (LTSP with Raspis, can be found on the Raspberry Pi download page).

Finally CentOS 6.7 with proxmox VE 4.1. I download the dvd version and when I installed have everything I need to config the proxy. Now I only need to change CentOS in NethServer.

It’s an excellent news for intranets school of Venezuela

I feel identified with this scene

You are a brain, @josean7link :laughing:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Set up a local repository for NethServer

A post was merged into an existing topic: Web filtering on https connections ( Google searches and Youtube )

This would be a realy nice enhancement for the educational section of the available applications:
Could this be a NethServer package?

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At the end of the month, I’ll meet up @syntaxerrormmm to talk about NethServer with @giacomo and BGLug guys
In the meantime, can we move forward and kick off the Linux School project? What do you need? I’d like to have some hot topic to discuss with him and his crew. @apradoc @robb
BTW @syntaxerrormmm he has arranged a talk about NethServer on the 22 June , inviting several people to attend. I’ll let you how it goes soon.


I think we can share and collect here some objectives for the project. What should be the main goal? Can we formalize the goal in a single sentence? What tasks should we address in short, mid and long terms to get the project going? Is the project going just to detect, report and pack softwares needed for Education purposes inside NethServer? @alefattorini and other NethServer developers, how do you feel about it (yes, the project would probably be community-driven, though I would like some feedbacks from NethServer insiders)?

Again, I feel repetitive and pedantic, I really do not have any estimation for how much time I may help and support the project. But I want to help, for sure.

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Just a few thoughts

Main goal

  • Having a solution for schools and Educational environments
  • Provide it packaged in RPMs and provide its configuration via NethServer web gui if needed.

##First step

  • Moodle can be made available as a module (then Chamilo)

Technical steps

  • Clarification on what type of ibay configuration to implement (web server root/folder/what else);
  • Definition of parameters to implement in the web configuration interface for Moodle (from zero parameters to full configuration within interface. I would like the first one best );
  • On the previous two points, build up a basic interface for Moodle configuration;
  • Creation of the RPM including dependencies (mysql, for example), Moodle base files and NethServer configuration pages.

moodle 3.0.3 requires PHP 5.4.4, MariaDB 5.5.31 or MySQL 5.5.31 or Postgres 9.1 or MSSQL 2008 or Oracle 10.2
@stephdl is working on mysql


Said that, currently school project isn’t not a priority for the main developers who are heavily focused on NethServer 7 but efforts on Samba4 and AD integration can contribute to the cause anyway.


I’d like to move forward on this, I know that @syntaxerrormmm has some news about his project.
Emiliano, can you share with us?