Issues with troubleshooting backup on ns7rc4

NethServer Version: your_version 7rc4
Module: your_module backup

Well, I solved my backup issue by adding the ns7rc4 server to the cifs server fw rule along with the ns6.8 server I had passed so long ago. Sigh.

So, why don’t we have smb-clients in 7?

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yum install samba-clients


before I do that… what does backup use to mount cifs?

It uses the standard mount -t cifs command, called from /etc/e-smith/events/actions/mount-cifs

Well, I solved my backup issue by adding the ns7rc4 server to the cifs server fw rule along with the ns6.8 server I had passed so long ago. Sigh.

So, why don’t we have smb-clients in 7?

I bet because they aren’t required by mount -t cifs