thank you for your kind welcome.
To introduce myself:
My full-time job is System Specialist for Integrated Security Systems and IT, my responsibility is for servers and security systems deployment and also the networking, some little SW development in C#. From networking I am using mainly Mikrotik RouterOS (MTCNA and MTCWE certified). And as ususal in small businesses I am responsible for all IT stuff in office too from servers, databases, IIS, workstations, network…
I discovered NethServer existence about month ago when looking for some functionality to be added to my HP microserver in my wife’s office. I was looking for mailserver (groupware with Activesync), CRM with customer portal and some platform for file-sharing. Obviously, it was preceded by huge research in opensource sea, from zimbra, zarafa with z-push, eggroupware, kolab…I choose SoGo because of simplicity, functionality and stability (communities forums research). Then I found the NethServer “join” SoGo and owncloud together in one package with samba and I gave it a try.
I am newbie to linux, I set up only one MySQL (MariaDB) server on CentOS and ubnt UniFi controller on Ubuntu up to this day. I came from Windows world (GUI based guy) so I really appreciate the package which give me control of all modules virtually “on one mouse click” (I am google copy-paster now if need to achieve something in Linux console).
I am really impressed by web interface speed (compared to Zentyal) and good documentation. One of the features I like on NethServer is data-backup module, so I can backup data to home (old HDD connected to Mikrotik RB951 on USB) without big effort. I don’t need Network gateway functionality (it’s done on Mikrotik already). If I compare NethServer to Zentyal I played 2 days before with, NS interface is very fast and everything I tried was working out-of-the-box, just to install module and enjoy. I was playing with Zentyal 4.2 and apart from slow web interface, it took me some time trying to get POP3 connector working and end-up with bricked Zentyal stuck in logon screen . But what I like about Zentyal very user-friendly GUI. NS was not very intuitive for me (but documentation was very heplful). Maybe it is because I have no experience with included modules, but this is the only thing confusing for me on start. But after set-up, everything is working like a charm…
Lumir, Slovakia