(Alessio Fattorini)
October 28, 2015, 10:05am
When I joined the company, they don’t have anything here like firewall, AD, storage, inventory system for IT stuffs etc. This is the reason why I tried PFSense, ClearOS, Zentyal, Nagios, and OCS NG.
Welcome @ironsky from Singapore, I’m seeing a lot of expertise here. Check out our VS discussions and share your knowledge!
NethServer vs ClearOS
Zentyal vs NethServer comparison matrix
Nethserver Firewall vs PFSense
NethServer comparisons with other similar products
NethServer vs Endian - #10 by GG_jr
I want to replace our primary AD, setup a firewall, install OCS for inventory, captive portal for my users on the laptop, web filtering, proxy, and nagios for monitoring.
Look at this if you haven’t done yet, @nrauso and @jobezic are your men
I didn’t join any community before, this is my first time and my experience? AWESOME! this community is very friendly, cool and very relax when talking to each other.
sorry for the my bad english, this is not my native language
It is too early to tell, you haven’t even met @Jim you can’t ever relax with him ahah I’m joking
Don’t worry for your English, our fellows here are really patient!
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