help us how to install jboss in nethserver 6.7
cuz i need to implement a java jsf application
help us how to install jboss in nethserver 6.7
cuz i need to implement a java jsf application
Hi, first of all introduse yourself, please.
Please install WEBTOP4 , this package will install tomcat, java and so on.
After that you may deploy jboss app, where you should put all java env variables and do not forget to change default ports for jboss app.
Wow sorry my friend… my fault
I am vitor… i’m Brazillian developer and work together a NethServer Manager in a governamental enterprise in Rio de Janeiro … and we need to offer to others programers an enviroment
Thanks for help…
You can try to install nethserver-tomcat:
yum install nethserver-tomcat
Then you will have a full tomcat installation up and running.
Maybe you can install JBoss directly into tomcat (I’m not sure, I don’t quite know how JBoss works).
Otherwise, take a look to this guide:
I’m sorry but what do you mean with a “NethServer Manager”? Is it a person or a role? I’m curious
Nice To meet you,
I’m WebDeveloper, from Brazil,
It’s a person… just a person now, but if I really get evolution on this system… i’ll try in my job… i’m just want to know it.
First of all, I need to understand the NethServer and maybe integrate it with my apps…
LDAP… and so on…
Thanks for help…
(sorry for my english…)
Hey Mr. Sanchietti,
Thanks for your help…
I’ll follow it… and try…