Hi guys,
Thanks for the messages and incentive, its great to feel part of the community.
I came across NS while looking for exchange/Active Sync server. At the time I had a couple of Windows VPS and I was trying to install MS exchange on it; I thought the 2 GB RAM VPS was crap, exchange would not even crawl, it would drag… (only later I found out the beast needed at least 16GB RAM to work properly, lol!) It took me ages to get it installed (had never done it before or even worked with Windows server) and half way through it I found out I need it a Domain Controller… that took me to Zentyal, and eventually to NS. In the end I gave up completely on the Windows VPS and instead started using SOGo in NS to replace the few functionalities I needed from exchange.
I confess I wish the wiki was a bit less technical at times; I’m more comfortable with Debian, and the NS specific controls makes it even more difficult to drop to shell. I wish there were more detailed guides and tutorials on how to use and configure NS in the specific cases of hosting it on a public VPS. For example, I’ve struggled to find specific information on the type of rules and/or configuration for a firewall that only has a green interface; I find NS an ideal server to set up on a VPS and as more and more people turn to self-hosting, due to the incredible drop in prices of the past couple years and privacy concerns, this will be an important target to the project but the documentation is more focused on the home/office configuration.
I’ve been using both forums and wiki to troubleshoot and I would say I find them equally helpful. I would like to have some step-by-step tutorials, at least on some important things like security (setting up firewall rules and intrusion detection); The tutorial to install letsencrypt - http://wiki.nethserver.org/doku.php?id=developer:letsencrypt - or the one to install Alfresco - Alfresco Share 5.0 - are two examples of simple and straightforward guides that work and deliver.
Thanks for the welcoming, let me know if I can be of help with the group in any way - though I have to confess I’m neither nationalistic nor tribal