Horde Groupware

Hi Ralf,
did you get the mailadresses from neth-samba?
I try to setup webmail, but I’ve only usernames, so I can’t write mails.

@m.traeumner Sorry didn’t try it yet. Will do it when I have some time.

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Hi Ralf,
thanks for answer. Horde didn’t get the Full Name and mail adress from samba AD. You don’t have to setup webmail, you can see it by ussers at the configuration.
I think it’s something with preferences tab. These are my settings, but it didn’t work. And…Pace yourself! I don’t need it, I only want to have it :joy:

$conf['prefs']['maxsize'] = 65535;
$conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = array('IP of Samba Container');
$conf['prefs']['params']['port'] = 389;
$conf['prefs']['params']['tls'] = false;
$conf['prefs']['params']['timeout'] = 5;
$conf['prefs']['params']['version'] = 3;
$conf['prefs']['params']['binddn'] = 'yourBindDN';
$conf['prefs']['params']['bindpw'] = 'yourPassword';
$conf['prefs']['params']['user']['basedn'] = 'cn=users,yourBaseDN';
$conf['prefs']['params']['user']['uid'] = 'samaccountname';
$conf['prefs']['params']['user']['filter'] = '(objectClass=Person)';
$conf['prefs']['params']['user']['filter_type'] = 'filter';
$conf['prefs']['params']['bindas'] = 'admin';
$conf['prefs']['params']['basedn'] = 'cn=users,yourBaseDN';
$conf['prefs']['params']['scope'] = 'sub';
$conf['prefs']['params']['uid'] = 'samaccountname';
$conf['prefs']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'custom';
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'Ldap';
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can somebody else who tried Horde please have a look at


I’ve the following error:

ERR: HORDE [nag] Invalid filter syntax: multiple leaf components detected [pid 8936 on line 390 of “/usr/share/pear/Horde/Group/Ldap.php”]

I don’t know if it’s something about my Preferences-Settings.

Hi Michael,

same here with nag, kronolith, turba and mnemo.

2017-03-02T10:58:08+00:00 ERR: HORDE [kronolith] Invalid filter syntax: multiple leaf components detected [pid 1238 on line 390 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Group/Ldap.php"]
2017-03-02T10:58:08+00:00 ERR: HORDE [turba] Invalid filter syntax: multiple leaf components detected [pid 1238 on line 390 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Group/Ldap.php"]
2017-03-02T10:58:08+00:00 ERR: HORDE [nag] Invalid filter syntax: multiple leaf components detected [pid 1238 on line 390 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Group/Ldap.php"]
2017-03-02T10:58:08+00:00 ERR: HORDE [mnemo] Invalid filter syntax: multiple leaf components detected [pid 1238 on line 390 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Group/Ldap.php"]

PS: Mailsending also doesn’t work on my side.

Hi Ralf,
thanks for answer, I’ll try mail sending next days.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Which primary mail client in NethServer?

Mail works fine for me after I did the settings at IMAP Tab and Mailer Tab at the settings in web-ui, manually added the mail-adresses for the users at user configuration and did the IMAP settings at a copy of backends.php (do a copy of backends.php and name it backends.local php).

$servers['imap'] = array( // ENABLED by default; will connect to IMAP port on local server 'disabled' => false, 'name' => 'IMAP Server', 'hostspec' => 'imap.YourDomain', //'hordeauth' => full is important to use the full adress to authenticate at IMAP Server 'hordeauth' => full, 'protocol' => 'imap', 'port' => 143, // Plaintext logins are disabled by default on IMAP servers (see RFC 3501 // [6.2.3]), so TLS is the only guaranteed authentication available by // default. 'secure' => 'tls',
My prefeferences settings I turn back to default: SQL at Database And Horde default, because horde don’t have write permissions to samba.

PS: If we have a solution for reading preferences from samba (username and mailadress) I would amplify my howto.
I’m working on a hook to read the preferences at the moment.

You are welcome to help us configuring it. Perhaps (I can’t decide it) it can be added as a second choice in software center at a later version of nethserver.

I’ve some problems by configuring the hook. Perhaps somebody can help.

class Horde_Hooks
    public function prefs_init($pref, $value, $username, $scope_ob)
        switch ($pref) {
 // Hole Absender-Mailadresse aus dem LDAP
        case 'from_addr':
            if (is_null($username)) {
                return $value;
            $ldapServer = '192.168.x.x'; //Adress of Samba Container
            $searchBase = 'uid=person' . $username . ',cn=users,dc=MyDomain,dc=de';
            $binddn = 'MyBindDN';
            $bindpw = 'MyBindPW';
 	    $ret = false;
            $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);
	     if (@ldap_bind($ds, $binddn, $bindpw)) {
            	$searchResult = @ldap_search($ds, $searchBase, 'uid=person' . $username);
	            $information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult);
        	    if (($information === false) || ($information['count'] == 0)) {
               		$user = '';
	               $user = $username . '@test.de';
        	    } else {
               		$user = ($information[0]['mail'][0] != '')
	                ? $information[0]['mail'][0]
        	        : $information[0]['maildrop'][0];
            return empty($user)
                ? $username
                : $user;
 // Hole den Display-Name aus dem LDAP
        case 'fullname':
            if (is_null($username)) {
                return $value;
              $ldapServer = 'ldaps://192.168.x.x';
            $searchBase = 'samaccountname=' . $username . ',cn=Person,dc=MyDomain,dc=de';
            $binddn = 'MyBindDN';
            $bindpw = 'MyBindPW';
	     $ret = false;
            $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);
            if (@ldap_bind($ds, $binddn, $bindpw)) {
            $searchResult = @ldap_search($ds, $searchBase, 'samaccountname=' . $username);
            $information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult);
            if (($information === false) || ($information['count'] == 0)) {
                $name = '';
            } else {
                $name = ($information[0]['cn'][0] != '')
                    ? $information[0]['cn'][0]
                    : $information[0]['uid'][0];
            return empty($name)
                ? $username
                : $name;

With this hook it fills full name and mailadress with the login name.
I think my problem is at the searchresult, but I tried with to different settings (‘samaccountname=’ and ‘uid=’) with same result.
Has somebody have an idea?


After a long time has passed and I (and some more) Horde as a groupware wish, I wanted to ask times whether someone can help @m.traeumner or support.

I can not do it because my background knowledge is too small, but vll someone has a desire to contribute time and whim.

As I interpret it is the handing over of the email address from the AD.

Think the same handicap had the other Groupwaresystem also (SOGo, Webmail, Roundcube, WebTop) also.
Would be glad we gemiensam a solution!

We have created the best system, make it even more open and better :wink:



IMO it fails to list members of groups because there’s something wrong with the LDAP preferences.
They should appear listed under the “Members” section …I think:

to get the mail address you may search for userPrincipalName

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[quote=“m.traeumner, post:24, topic:5679”]

@m.traeumner Hello
I am stuck at this stage , once I try to generate the configurations the page displays an error and cannot proceed any further.
When I reset the config.conf to its previous state I can regain access to horde configs.

  1. I have Nethserver-LDAP installed. in order to access it from my windows machine using ldapmanager gui I have to use anonymous else no way that I cant get through
    If I use the password that is in /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/ldapservice or ldapuser I get authentication error.

  2. I do not have Account provider Samba active directory installed. Nethserver-DC
    Again here if I try to install it I get an error

Resolving RPM dependencies
The install/update may have failed due to metadata caching issues. Please clean the cache by clicking the button below and retry the install/update operation.

If I clear YUM and try again the same error.

Could you please assist in overcoming this problem ?

I can’t try at this moment, I can’t reach my Test-Server, but I didn’t find the error. If I’ve found my network-error I’ll try.[quote=“ghost, post:106, topic:5679”]
The install/update may have failed due to metadata caching issues. Please clean the cache by clicking the button below and retry the install/update operation.

Please try to clear yum cache at the terminal

yum clean all

@m.traeumner Actually Nethserver is only accepting either one.
If I remove LDAP I can install DC and vice versa hence it is not accepting both at the same time.
Now how is Horde above instructions are referring to both ?

My instructions are for AD, for LDAP you have to change some configuration. “samaccountname” has to be replaced with “uid”. I don’t know if you have to change more, but if you want to try, I try to help you.

@m.traeumner My bad I misunderstood the instructions.

By the way I tried today the Bluemind (https://download.bluemind.net/bm-download/ ), it is an opensource however the calendar sync and activesync are for subscribers only (paid services)
It is nice, not complicated very classic in the offering. Weak when it comes to LDAP and AD.

On the other hand I suggest that you try the iRedmail ( http://www.iredmail.org/ )
It is opensource, combines SoGo and roundcube. full fledged. I failed to install on Nethserver however I was able to load it on a separate Linux machine.

I am yet to try Horde prior to comment on it as well.

Please have a look at message 7 to 12, there are infos about bluemind, @robb gets some more info from BlueMind, it’s more an all-in-one solution,
I think iredmail is a mail-server and it would be nice if we can use the postfix and dovecot which is already integrated in nethserver.

Thanks for your interest and your help.

I’d like to move this howto in the howto section and into the wiki. What do you think? We run the risk it may be lose

Only Problem I have, it’s not ready yet.I don’t have a solution for getting mail-adresses and names for the mail component from active directory