Group mail working? Not selectable in Mail Connector

I am still unclear if defining a group indeed creates a delivery group for email or I need to take extra action.

If it indeed makes a delivery group, then why the group email address is not selectable in POP Connector? (both in NethGUI and Cockpit)
Is this a bug?
Or I need to take extra steps to actually make the defined group an actual email delivery group?

@giacomo I think this is a bug. I want to select a defined group email as destination to a Mail Connector and this is not possible.

It’s not a bug, it’s a well known limit of the current implementation, we have discussed it in the past.

You can find a workaround here:

It’s still a big bug to me.

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Indeed “limit of the current implementation” can still be a bug. :smiley:
This is basic email functionality, available for decades.

BTW the workaround exceeds basic admin knowledge I think.
And I’ve been doing this professionally for 20 years (and non professionally way more).
(in other words yes ok I can probably implement the workaround, but having to maintain it all the time and be careful that is not broken by something else, an update etc. is not ok… also I see it is not ok for many SOHO admins)

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Isn’t a bug, it’s a feature! :smiley: