I’ve created a google chrome extension to show the number of unread notification of your NethServer Community account also with closed tab. I hope it will be useful
It doesn’t matter if it’s useful or not, it must be cool
That’s quote is AWESOME
too “Apple style” but yes, I agree
I don’t use chromium…any chnace to get it for firefox
Great update for this extension!! Now it shows a notifications list. Thanks @alep
Would you like to improve Chrome extension by @alep?
Please add issue here: https://github.com/alepolidori/chrome-discourse-notifications/issues
It has been updated to v0.2.2 with icons and two additional links.
I’ve developed a new version 1.0.0 of more generic extension “Discourse Forum Notifications”.
The purpose is the same of “Nethserver Community” extension, but the user can now add more than one discourse forum site to be monitored at the same time.
To facilitate the development and the maintenance, the “NethServer Community” extension will be dismissed in a few days and will remain active only “Discourse Forum Notifications”.
For all who want to have the latest changes, please switch to “Discourse Forum Notifications”.