Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /freepbx on this server

You may try to stop the processes like this:

systemctl stop mysqld mariadb

If it doesn’t help please check the running mysqld processes:

ps aux | grep mysqld


Here a solution where the mysqld process is killed:

i have launched new instance and freshly installed Nethserver7 and after this i have installed Freepbx from software center. But got same error this is the somekind of NS7 bug.

Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /freepbx on this server.

This done ! but same error is happening with opening webUI.

Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /freepbx

Did you allow a network/IP for web access?


Thanks a lot man, i have given my IP and subnetmask on this webaccess thats why it was not working. When i have given then its started working.

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You’re welcome. Please mark the answer that solved the problem so others will find the solution easily.

@mrmarkuz :1st_place_medal:
the behaviour is documented here, web interface access to PBX is allowed only from green interfaces by default

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