Firewall crashed down after creating a new rule for an IP range object

Right (stupid failure…)!!
However, I still get the very same error message as before…
Hence, this was not the reason… :frowning:

Summing up: ip ranges do not work.
But I can’t reproduce the problem. I created a drop rule using your ip range and a multiport destination. Here’s what I find:

-A net2fw -m iprange --src-range -p 6 -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j DROP -m comment --comment "RULE#1

No shorewall errors.

And without ports, like yours:

-A net2loc -m iprange --src-range -j DROP -m comment --comment "RULE#1"

Maybe you have some rules that combined with this lead to the problem. Could you share privately your full configuration?
tar -zcvf db.tgz /var/lib/nethserver/db/

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Hi, i have similar problem. It is related with COMMIT line in restore file. I’ve turn off all my “custom” rules but shorewall doesn’t start at boot, but if i restart shorewall it starts. Any help appreciated.

@dj_marian: perhaps your problem is more similar to this one Fail2ban shorewall with nethserver rc4

Ok, in this minute i’ve removed also all host objects and shorewall is starting at boot, but why this things doesn’t work?.
Thanks phonon indeed my firewalld was inactive(dead) but enabled so i turned it off. But the problem still apears if i have just one host in objects (shorewall doesn’t start at boot).

It seems that when I fixed problem with libvirtd (not starting) now I can have firewall objects and shorewall starts at boot.

Thanks to @filippo_carletti I found my failure… I hadn’t rebooted my system after the last kernel update… now everything works! :wink:

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