File server and add and manage disks

Well done on getting this far with it @Paulo_Barbosa!

Correct regarding editing the smb.conf file.

And you are correct regarding using the web interface to create the shares. What you need to do is the following:

  1. Create all of the Shared Folders as you normally would in the NethServer web administration with all of the desired permissions. You could call the Share Name something like FilesOld.

  2. create any folders you want on the the 2nd LVM, eg. /media/2TbLVM/FilesOld.

  3. Mount /media/2TbLVM/FilesOld onto /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/FilesOld.

  4. Go back into the Nethserver Web Administration and edit the share called FilesOld and click on the Reset Permissions button on the ACL tab. This will help to ensure that the file and folder permissions are set correctly on the mounted folder.

  5. Test and confirm that you can save and read folders in the FilesOld share.

  6. Final step is to update the /etc/fstab file to automatically mount /media/2TbLVM/FilesOld onto /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/FilesOld for you so that it will survive a server shutdown or restart.

For the /home/01-files share, you could do something similar to the FilesOld share, except check the permissions, if its a Home folder the permission sets may conflict.