NethServer Version: 8
Module: Mail and SOGO
Hello there,
I just installed NS on a Debian 12. So far I only have installed Mail-Server and SOGO.
LE Certs are obtained. The NS is bound on a MS Server 2019 AD as account provider.
The users are all synchronized BUT I cant login on either Mail or SOGO.
Message is “Wrong Username or Password”. Is there something special regarding the format of User Login or something else ??
Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thx in advance
Hello there,
after the above mentioned problems I decided to crap the VM with NS and started allover.
New VM on MS HyperV 2019, 4 Cores and 32 GB RAM.
Foundation still Debian 12 BUT this time local LDAP provider. Everything works flawless. I have installed crowdsec, mail, SOGO, Mattermost, IMAPSnyc, Nextcloud, collabora.
Everything is provided with domainname and LE certificates.
It seems that the synchronization with MS AD user accounts doesn´t work as expected. The debian machine points to the dns from MS AD. There are also all zones in MS AD DNS pointing to NS with the full host names.
No problems whatsoever.
I strongly recommend to let NS, even within a MS AD, stand as a standalone LDAP provider with the correct usage in DC DNS.
Then there should be no problems.
I test a while more and give feedback. But so far everything is looking good.