Yes, I am
But a familly is time consuming… I must choose priorities
This… is why I hesitate to invest heavily in NS, for in the end, I need to be able to depend on a distro to serve my clients, well past tomorrow, and here we are talking about throwing out the bathwater and filling the tub with milk…
Why not learn e-smith if necessary, I think in most cases there’s no need for the end user (admin) to have to delve into esmith anyway. Even I’m only delving because of some small tweak I desire, ie; bypass current office files from filtering.
I like the way I can relatively quickly setup an office server using NS, and it’s underlying stability, relatively, my ClearOS installs are suddenly slammed with dozens of updates, I’m waiting to see them hit NS.
In the end I want to be able to let my clients know they can depend on their server for more than a few years… Zentyal really fucked me there.
in most cases you don’t need to know how NS works internally, you’re right 100%
but since we are in development section, we’re talking about why “you” must know and understand all the internals if you want improve/change them
99% updates come from upstream and you’re strongly adviced to apply them…
I already observed here that locking the repos to a release of upstream distro is wrong, since I wnat and I need to keep my systems uptodate… this is something I don’t like in NS, but I know that devs are working on it.
well… this is a cons of dealing with a distro that is NOT community driven… money talks
NS is still young, but it’s OOSS and the firm behind it (Nethesis) has not interest in locking it or pruning some features…
finally, about your desires: the only way to tweak NS is to dig into… hard to understand at a beginning, you’ll have a powerfull tool in your hands tomorrow
6 posts were split to a new topic: How to set up a dev environment?