Error in SSSD service on mail server

please explain what further steps I need to clarify and eliminate the problem, I do not understand this, I really need your support, dear

я так понимаю ваши эксперименты ни к чему не привели?
имею аналогичную проблему на почтовом серваке и тоже пока без вариантов решения.

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Please write in English on these forums so everybody can understand. For convenience I will translate this one:

I take it your experiments didn’t lead to anything?
I have a similar problem on my mail server and also have no solutions yet.

that’s right, it got even worse, but it started gradually and got worse every day

there seems to be some kind of solution here, but dviewing is only for paid accounts

If anyone has a subscription account, please send me a solution to this problem

The server seems to be too weak to handle the load.
Could you please show the load average? (the output of the uptime command is ok).
You can try to temporarily work around the problem by increasing the SSSD watchdog timeout:

  • under your domain section of /etc/sssd/sssd.conf add
    • timeout = 20
  • restart sssd: systemctl restart sssd

The real fix is to lower the load average using powerful hardware.


yes, but before that everything worked perfectly and the equipment had enough power… could this be related to some kind of system update?

the server just started to freeze and mail does not work at all

Any chance the load is caused by external overload/DDOS?

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Makes me wonder if Fail2ban is installed?


my problem was solved, then there were problems on the remote server that we rent

Is your provider Kosmonova by any chance? :slight_smile:

azazazazaa Yes :joy: