Error after change of domain name

I moved a post to an existing topic: Is NethServer hard to handle when you have a problem?

@WillZen @zamboni @Nas just opened a new discussion about this, please follow it:

Keep this thread clean and on topic :wink:

there is no such file in release

Name : nethserver-base Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version : 2.7.1 Vendor: NethServer
Release : 1.3.gb8fa61e.ns6 Build Date: Wed 10 Jun 2015 06:10:50 PM EEST

First.Thank you for your time and for your help. I am realy happy that you try to help me.

Second. I am realy sorry that I have problem to understand your IT language.

It would help if you add “from the command line” to clarify it.

And here is the sofware version


rpm -qi nethserver-base
Name: nethserver-base Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version: 2.7.2 Vendor: NethServer
Release: 1.nsb6 Build Date: Tue 23 Jun 2015

So Error exists because of template hostname , template require only green interface while editing /etc/hosts , could it be a bug and how about standalone Nethserver only with 1 Red interface?

In a machine with only one interface, the interface must be green.
Otherwise many services will not work.

how about secure, and how about if i need nethserver acts only like MX server or MX and OwnCloud , i should have firewall protection!

Nas: please take some time to read the documentation and/or study the code
even with a single NIC (in green mode) firewall is up and many services listen on loopback interface only

there’s (for sure) an issue about it (an old one, closed now) in redmine about such things (I opened it a long time ago)

NS is aimed to security, even if in VPS mode, i.e. a single nic with a public IP

mine personal server is installed on a vps and gives me email/web…

how about those service that i wouldnot want to access throuhgt inet like xmpp and http ? or i should make changers in db config and remove - private ?

@nas, please, take some time to read the documentation and to watch options available in web GUI

go to “Security” section -> “Network services”

you can choose if/which service is available

Thank you

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I’d say we’re going OT too, please keep the discussion in topic, thank you

@alefattorini pls close topic coz i have Helped yet @WillZen

Where is the solution? Please keep the discussion in topic and keep solutions publicly

As fare as I understand was the proble that I had only one green LAN connection at the time I changed the domain name.
The situation was:
Host Name: server1
Domain Name: swan
only green LAN connection

I noticed the mistake with the domain name and changed it -> swan.lan

This caused the ERROR.

With the help of @Nas we checked different settings and finally I connected the second LAN as red with a different IP address.
He also changed something in some files but I don’t know exatly what it was and was it importand.

After that we changed the domain name again and back and the script were running thru without any problem. :blush:

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