EMail Notify receipt Attachment


NethServer Version: 7.6.1810 (final)
Module: Mail, SoGo, Samba
we blocked MS Office files. Nevertheless, our customers sometimes send such attachments. We can then contact these customers to convert the attachments to PDF.
It would be nice if there was a function in the email section. The notification of the recipient of a mail with the sender when blocking a mail due to an attachment or a virus. Is this possible?

Best regards


Moin rainerhl,

please read here:
Under point 4.2.6 (Page 52) you can find a solution for your problem.



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For non-PDF interested people :wink:

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Hi, thanks for the quick response. But I can only see how I can block attachments, but not how to be notified about blocked attachments in mails.

No support, but feature request…

Thanks for the answer.
Feature request is no longer necessary for me. I use now as a mail server in a VM the “hMail server.” This has already implemented these features.

Anyway, @rainerhl thanks for your experience. Maybe in the future something similar will be added to NethServer, one way or another.
Nice to know another OpenSource project (AGPL) like hMail server

I did it with a script in hmailserver that acts as a gateway between the firewall and the actual mail server.

Of course, I did not replace the Neth Mail server. The HMail server is running in addition. A rule there listens to the blocked attachment text and forwards this message to an external mail account. These mails will then be picked up by the Neth Mail server. Maybe I can also get the external mail account to redirect these emails to my regular mail account. A task should delete all mails in the hmailserver after 2 days.

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I think the quarantine could do the job, but the pics you will retrieve will be really interesting

Quarantine works like this, catch all spam and send them inside a mail box with notifications to the sysadmin

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thanks for the tips so far, but the quarantine would also collect spams and viruses. But I would be pleased with a message about the blocked attachments. It would be enough if these alerts were sent to just one specified mail recipient. Could the “Metadata exporter of rspamd” be used? And how could I do it?