Email module transition to Rspamd

It wasn’t me. Just found someone reported the same issue and the developer said it should be fixed in rspamd 1.7.5
Which version do you have?

According to the Web UI and this rspamadm --version I have version 1.7.5

BTW, does anyone else has this issue? is having the same issue:

1 Like

Maybe because of this?


Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system.
Rspamd 1.7.6 has been released

15 Jun 2018

We have released Rspamd 1.7.6 today. There are no incompatible changes introduced with this version to our best knowledge.
The most important features and fixes

Fix multiple neural networks support: it is now possible to learn multiple neural networks with different settings as documented
Rework rspamadm to use mostly Lua for subcommands for better documentation and extensions support
Add pubkey checks for dkim_signing module (#2277)
DMARC reports are now compressed using gzip as suggested by RFC
Settings module can now skip message processing to improve performance
Bayes classifier now consider more metatokens from the headers
ED25519 DKIM signatures are now supported
Fixed serious issues with composites, maps and other components
Major memory leak hunting and eliminating (especially those that occurs during reload)
Add more tests and allow to create fake DNS records to make certain tests self-contained (e.g. DKIM or DMARC)

Full list of the meaningful changes

[CritFix] Fix multiple neural networks support
[Feature] Add decryption function to keypair command
[Feature] Add gzip compression for HTTP requests in elastic module
[Feature] Add gzip methods to lua util
[Feature] Add maps based on Top Level Domains
[Feature] Add pubkey checks for dkim_signing
[Feature] Add support of fake DNS records
[Feature] Add tool to encrypt files
[Feature] Allow to add symbols using settings directly
[Feature] Allow to match private and public keys for DKIM signatures
[Feature] Allow to set task flags via settings
[Feature] Allow to specify fake DNS address from the config
[Feature] Implement signatures verification using rspamadm keypair
[Feature] Implement signing using rspamadm keypair
[Feature] Improve error reporting for DKIM key access issues
[Feature] Provide $HOSTNAME variable in UCL
[Feature] Rework levenshtein distance computation
[Feature] Split message parsing and processing
[Feature] Support ED25519 DKIM signatures
[Feature] Support encrypted configs in UCL
[Feature] Suppress duplicate warning on very large radix tries
[Feature] Use OSB to combine header names
[Fix] Cleanup maps data on shutdown
[Fix] Fix ‘~’ behaviour in composites
[Fix] Fix HTTP maps updates
[Fix] Fix NIST signatures
[Fix] Fix RFC822 comments when processing a mime address
[Fix] Fix double free
[Fix] Fix dynamic settings application
[Fix] Fix for CommuniGate Pro maillist
[Fix] Fix keypair creation method to actually create keypair…
[Fix] Fix matching patterns with no paths
[Fix] Fix memory leak in parsing comments
[Fix] Fix parsing of urls with numeric password
[Fix] Fix plugins intialisation in configwizard
[Fix] Fix potential crash on reload
[Fix] Fix potential race condition for a finished HTTP connections
[Fix] Fix race-condition leak on processes reload
[Fix] Fix signing in openssl mode
[Fix] Free language detector structures
[Fix] Relax alignment requirements
[Fix] Send DMARC reports compressed
[Fix] Try to fix leak in dmarc module
[Fix] Try to plug memory leak in metric exporter
[Project] Convert rspamadm subcommands to Lua
[WebUI] Display smtp sender/recipient in history
[WebUI] Fix elements disabling in “Symbols” tab
[WebUI] Limit recipients list in history column to 3
[WebUI] Match envelope and mime addresses following in arbitrary order
[WebUI] Update column header
[WebUI] Wrap addresses in history

News: Rspamd 1.7.6 has been released
Rspamd 1.7.6 has been released

rspamd 1.7.6 is available in testing

yum update --enablerepo=nethserver-testing rspamd

1 Like

5 posts were split to a new topic: Error getting repository data for nethserver-testing, repository not found 

After Installation i see this in History:

23.6.2018, 07:50:57 controller 12829 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’
23.6.2018, 07:50:57 rspamd_proxy 12828 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’
23.6.2018, 07:50:57 fuzzy 12827 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’


no problem on my side, restart rspamd and check again please

have restart it and:

23.6.2018, 07:59:24 controller 13662 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’
23.6.2018, 07:59:24 rspamd_proxy 13661 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’
23.6.2018, 07:59:24 fuzzy 13660 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: '0x0a

yum downgrade rspamd

after downgrade:

23.6.2018, 08:01:56 controller 13970 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’
23.6.2018, 08:01:56 rspamd_proxy 13969 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’
23.6.2018, 08:01:56 fuzzy 13968 cannot load json data: parse error error while parsing : line: 5, column: 0 - ‘string value must not be empty’, character: ‘0x0a’

rpm -qa rspamd



after reboot:

23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map pr5857 cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map xa6qqy cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map fdp86m cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map k8f914 cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map fdp86m cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map fdp86m cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map k8f914 cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:09 controller 2886 map fdp86m cannot resolve
23.6.2018, 08:09:06 controller 2886 lua bgayez cannot upload script to /var/run/redis-rspamd/rspamd(00000000408F02C0): timeout while connecting the server
23.6.2018, 08:09:06 controller 2886 lua bgayez cannot upload script to /var/run/redis-rspamd/rspamd(0000000041C158D0): timeout while connecting the server

systemctl status redis-rspamd

[root@sbs ~]# systemctl status redis-rspamd
● redis-rspamd.service - Redis persistent key-value database Rspamd
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/redis-rspamd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2018-06-23 08:08:40 CEST; 8min ago
Main PID: 753 (redis-server)
CGroup: /system.slice/redis-rspamd.service
└─753 /usr/bin/redis-server

Jun 23 08:08:40 systemd[1]: Started Redis persistent key-v…
Jun 23 08:08:40[1]: Starting Redis persistent key-…
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

what are the error message; do a pastebin of last lines /var/log/maillog

can you display the history ?