Email Battery consumption on iPhone

NethServer Version: NethServer release 6.8 (Final)


After some testing, I have last week installed Nethserver for a small business client of mine, mainly to function as an email/groupware server. It seems like a fantastic package, so well done.

I couldn’t get webtop to work, but Sogo worked out of the box, so i went with it.

All is working fine, except for the 3 iPhones I have setup the email/contacts/calendars on. They are all setup as Exchange Activesync, and, while working ok, the battery life on them has been terrible ever since i set them up.

I have found this - is this what I need to tweak to fix it up? Or does anyone else have any tips?

Thank you for your time.

yep my first advice could be to use IMAP to retrieve emails and get rid of Exchange Activesync, but I don’t know if an Iphone can do that :stuck_out_tongue:

Then If you need to change some values, or add custom one, It is not directly in the configuration file but in the template-custom.

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We have already set these parameters into our DB, so nothing to customize
Let’s try with
10 Device

config setprop sogod WOWorkersCount 15
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumPingInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumSyncInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoInternalSyncInterval 30
signal-event nethserver-sogo-update

or 20 Device

config setprop sogod WOWorkersCount 25
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumPingInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumSyncInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoInternalSyncInterval 40
signal-event nethserver-sogo-update

Hi @njm
Have you tried the proposed solutions? They have solved your problem?
Keep us updated :+1:

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Sorry for not responding sooner, I have been flat out lately. I will try this shortly and report back here when I try it.

The pressure has been taken off, as the business owners decided to turn push notifications off, and just do a pull check each hour. I certainly intend to get this fixed, it just hasnt been a high priority.

So far, everything else is working fine.

I just received the email regarding the release of the new version 7. It looks fantastic. Well done to everyone involved. I am keen to give it a go when i get a chance.


no update on this topic ?

I’m releasing an update to sogo, I hope I could solve this Issue…I have just a little bug with, we just need to wait a bit

released nethserver-sogo-1.6.7-1.ns7.noarch.rpm

Hi stephdl

Sorry I have been so slack on responding to you.

I have checked my nethserver, and there is no sogo related updates available. It is now fully up to date.

Is there some other process to install this update?

And is it fairly safe (unlikely to break anything)?


Which version do you run ?


I totally missed this post…
An iphone can connect in IMAP nativelly.

And the mail client is not bad at all :grinning:

The battery consumption probably due to the active sync…

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NethServer release: 6.9 (rc1)
Kernel release: 2.6.32-642.15.1.el6.x86_64

I just ran a full update then from in the Software Centre.

The community support for sogo is just for the ns7 version. For ns6 the support is (still) done by the core.

In clear, I did an update only for ns7