After some testing, I have last week installed Nethserver for a small business client of mine, mainly to function as an email/groupware server. It seems like a fantastic package, so well done.
I couldn’t get webtop to work, but Sogo worked out of the box, so i went with it.
All is working fine, except for the 3 iPhones I have setup the email/contacts/calendars on. They are all setup as Exchange Activesync, and, while working ok, the battery life on them has been terrible ever since i set them up.
Sorry for not responding sooner, I have been flat out lately. I will try this shortly and report back here when I try it.
The pressure has been taken off, as the business owners decided to turn push notifications off, and just do a pull check each hour. I certainly intend to get this fixed, it just hasnt been a high priority.
So far, everything else is working fine.
I just received the email regarding the release of the new version 7. It looks fantastic. Well done to everyone involved. I am keen to give it a go when i get a chance.