Duplicity (CIFS) restoration

Hi all,

The NethServer backups are done with CIFS.

I made a NethServer backup of a VM snapshot#10.
I shut the VM

I started a previous snapshot#5 of the same VM
The VM snapshot#5 has only very old NethServer backups.

From the last backup of snapshot#10, I would like to restore a directory to its original path in snapshot#5.
With the NethServer GUI, I cannot see the backups of snapshot#10.

How can I synchronize the backup local “metadata” of snapshot#5 with those of snapshot#10 stored in the CIFS backup directory so snapshot#5 will see all the backups of snapshot#10 ?

Thank you,


Hil all,

Simple solution if someone needs it:

# restore-file -b backup-data  /root/temp/   /complete-path-to/dir_toto

# cp -a /root/temp/complete-path-to/dir_toto  /complete-path-to/dir_toto

*** Check rights but it should be the same as the original. ***



Could you mark your answer as solution please?

Hi Michael,

I still have no solution for the above.


Ok, then I misunderstood. Sorry

/cc @filippo_carletti, any hint for Michel-André?

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/etc/backup-data.hooks/backup-list-files <backup_name> 1 0 $(date +%s -d '20200501')

changing backup_name to yours and 20200501 to the date of the backup you want (YYYYMMDD).


Hi Filipo,

Thank you for your appreciated reply.

In the CIFS backup directory, I have 2 backups for that day: 1 full and 1 incremental.
The command pick up only the full backup and I cannot see the incremental in the restoration.
The incremental is the one containing the desired files to restore.

Is there an option to the command to specify all backups or a time with YYYYMMDDHHMM ?

I tried with --help, -h, ?, etc… and there is no help output, and no man.
Is there a link explaining this backup-list-files command?
Googling, I only saw one link with nethserver in it but that link returned " Not Found".

Again, thank you for your support,


No, the command uses the date to select the backup, change it to have the incremental.
You can try to specify the date adding also hh:mm, get them from the mail report of the backup, or the logs.

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Hi Filippo,

On snapshot #5, I used the command backup-list-files for the INC and FULL of #10

# /etc/backup-data.hooks/backup-list-files backup-data 1 0 $(date +%s -d '20200512 15:39')

# /etc/backup-data.hooks/backup-list-files backup-data 1 0 $(date +%s -d '20200507 18:57')

backup-list-files changed nothing in CIFS directory, but made some updates in directory:

  • duplicity-new-signatures
  • duplicity-full-signatures
  • duplicity-full.manifest
  • duplicity-inc.manifest

With the GUI, the page Restore files didn’t change at all - doesn’t list even the date from snapshot#10

I do not use New Manager (beta) but I thought maybe better…
Even worse, doesn’t show dates at all. It looks like it wants to restore from only the last “I do not know which” because it doesn’t display any choices… (it must be my newbee skill ?)

Yes, the command updates the “metadata” of the backup directory on the server, but the GUI doesn’t see them.

What I did wrong ?


P.S. I didn’t restore the configuration from snapshot #10 on #5 because I only want to restore the content of a special directory.

My instruction are for the new server manager, which is no longer beta. I’m not using the old one since two years.
I’m sorry, I can’t guess what is going wrong.