Disaster Recovery issue

Ok. Give me feedback, thank you.

Good night :slight_smile:

So, the backup did not finish completely.
In the morning the SSH connection was broke, and only half the data was there.
I started the retore data this morning and that seemed to go through in 3 hours.
The httpd service does not want to start, am going through the logs to see what the issue is.

almost there.
pointed the httpd conf files to the appropiate letsencrypt key and the service httpd went online.
Nextcloud and SOGo works fine, all the data seems to be there.
The only issue remained is my websites. None of them is working.
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

everything is back working.
Just reinstalled the missing mysql component and it works now.
Checking the package-list in backup-config.tar i can see:


Are the php extensions not included in the list by design?
Anyhow, Federico, thank you very much for the support. Appretiate you taking the time and effort to help on a late late sunday evening :slight_smile:

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Hi @Ruaraidh
Happy that all is back working!

It was a connection problem and not a data-restore problem.

I imagined that the problem was letsencrypt (also for me, times ago, httpd won’t start cause certificates).

Php is installed when you install Server Web module from Software Center.
You also can install it with yum install nethserver-httpd-virtualhosts


The screen command comes in handy in order to alleviate the effects of a broken SSH session.

Glad it’s sorted out (and kudos to @federico.ballarini for the help).

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I confirm that restoring config through wizard no create issue. We can close topic.