CPU Temperature

I looked in the manual, the forum and in the collected data in the GUI but I couldn’t find the CPU temperature. If it isn’t implemented it would be nice to add it in the Collected Graph Panel and Collected Web

Reading temperatures requires some hw compatibility.
Here’s the howto I wrote last year:


I did following your instruction and it works with the Collectd Web interface :smile: but not with the Collectd Graph Panel. :disappointed:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/cgp/inc/collectd.inc.php on line 119

Thank you. This is great and should per default in.

Funny, I use Collectd Graph Panel and it works.
I don’t know how to make it a default. Have you any idea?

No. I don’t have the knowledge to integrate this in the script.

A work around will be a HowTo or repost your post from Google groups that it will here available.