well. i was getting a socket not connected error, research on that problem was inconclusive but was seeing some odd kerberos errors. i’ve wiped the freenas and will start fresh.
Hi again, I’m trying to connect a FreeNAS to the nethserver againg, but this time the error is that freenas can’t reach de LDAP server that in my case is:
The real is ad.healperci.com
Can’t ping the network address of the Acount provider services. ¿It’s posible to do that?
NetBIOS domain name: HEALPERCI
LDAP server:
LDAP server name: nsdc-nethserver.ad.healperci.com
Bind Path: dc=AD,dc=HEALPERCI,dc=COM
LDAP port: 389
Server time: Sun, 21 Apr 2019 19:17:18 -05
KDC server:
Server time offset: 0
Last machine account password change: Sun, 21 Apr 2019 18:59:30 -05
Join is OK
whenCreated: 20190421235930.0Z
objectSid: S-1-5-21-3107762322-1194793952-4137654034-1104
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
pwdLastSet: 132003647703699690
dNSHostName: nethserver.healperci.com
servicePrincipalName: HOST/NETHSERVER
servicePrincipalName: HOST/nethserver.healperci.com
whenChanged: 20190421235931.0Z
lastLogon: 132003656834894360
distinguishedName: CN=NETHSERVER,CN=Computers,DC=ad,DC=healperci,DC=com
For this to work, the Samba container needs to be used as DNS server within the network, or your DNS should be made aware of the samba domain.
No luck joining freenas to nethserver too
Client of mine likes to have/browse previous-versions and freenas provides that , but after many test&tries I couldn’t join freenas server to nethserver-AD. One of the tries (what marcus did also) was to fire CA on freenas up , issue cert for nehserver , which seemed t be most obvious way to go , but still no success …
Since I had big problems using NetH file share because using ntfs permission slowed down the system too much , in order to override that I’m using separate debian file/samba server joined to NethServer AD domain … but debian samba file server does not provide snapshots out-of-the-box and in the same time browsable with “previous-versions” in windows client . so I figured that freenas could be perfect solution.
But it took me hours and hours to admit “no go”
Has anybody got this solved ? I’d like very much to avoid workaround because it is about very serious and important client … which one is not ?
Thank you very much in advance
Can anybody help here?