Cockpit UI - Applications section menu wrong css active state

Packages from testing:

  • nethserver-cockpit-0.9.3-1.9.gc5dc398.ns7.noarch
  • nethserver-cockpit-lib-0.9.3-1.9.gc5dc398.ns7.noarch


Cosmetic “bug”: When accessing Applications menu, the active section is correctly highlighted for few miliseconds, then (maybe some request under the hood) changes the active state to the System menu section.

As a side note, the legacy apps (DiagTools…) are no longer shown. I suppose this is intended.

@edoardo_spadoni could you take a look? I feel that is something we can’t fix …

Yes it is :slight_smile: It’s a work a in progress!

Should be resolved with the latest commit in nethserve-cockpit. Thanks.


Yes, it is fixed!

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