Cockpit - Error web Proxy: this profile uses invalid categories

NethServer Version: 7.6.1810
Module: Web Proxy & Filter

You know because from the interface of the Web Proxy via cockpit if I add any of the categories that are unchecked I get the error that was down in the capture.

Thanks greetings!

any news about it

Hi Fernando, you need to explain better what is your problem.
Please fill a support request by describing step by step what you’ve done and what it is the expected behavior.

I’m moving the post to support category until we are sure that you’re hitting a bug and not a bad configuration.

Good morning, giacomo,

Since from the Cockpit interface of the Nethserver some categories of the web proxy give the error that appears above in the capture, if the category is personalized it always gives error, with those that come in the Shalla blacklist it depends on what you select, such as I say in the initial post the categories of the capture that are not selected are those that if you do, give error.

Thanks greetings!