domain suffix
You mean, I could change the domain name in NS8:
firma-xxxxx,de >> firma.lan ??? Where ??? - very dangerous !!!
you mean the mail client should login as steffen,stroessenreuther not as user01
(such long names exist in our country …)
I assume the problem is the connection via smarthost ( This smarthost don’t know user01 of course…
He says that you should only test it with max.meier instead of I think…
this we tried too on the smartphone - no improvement …
thanks, we do the following and later test it … no success
root@ns8:~# cd ~mail1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/postfix-custom/_data
root@ns8:/home/mail1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/postfix-custom/_data# ls
canonical canonical.lmdb README
root@ns8:/home/mail1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/postfix-custom/_data# mcedit
## input the line
## canonical_maps = lmdb:/etc/postfix/
root@ns8:/home/mail1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/postfix-custom/_data# ls -l
insgesamt 40
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail1 mail1 790 4. Feb 15:44 canonical
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail1 mail1 28672 4. Feb 15:44 canonical.lmdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 122 6. Feb 08:51
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail1 mail1 114 2. Aug 2024 README
root@ns8:/home/mail1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/postfix-custom/_data# chown -c -R mail1:mail1 *
der Eigentümer von '' wurde von root:root in mail1:mail1 geändert
root@ns8:/home/mail1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/postfix-custom/_data# ls -l
insgesamt 40
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail1 mail1 790 4. Feb 15:44 canonical
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail1 mail1 28672 4. Feb 15:44 canonical.lmdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail1 mail1 122 6. Feb 08:51
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail1 mail1 114 2. Aug 2024 README
root@ns8:/home/mail1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/postfix-custom/_data# runagent -m mail1
runagent: [INFO] starting bash -l
runagent: [INFO] working directory: /home/mail1/.config/state
mail1@ns8:~/.config/state$ podman exec -ti postfix ash -l
ns8:/etc/postfix# ls
ns8:/etc/postfix# ls
README canonical canonical.lmdb
ns8:/etc/postfix# postfix reload
postfix/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system
Good that you fixed the file ownership
There’s a missing step in the above procedure:
runagent -m mail1 systemctl --user reload postfix
Otherwise, the .cf file is not appended to Postfix configuration. The “reload” operation automatically merges .cf files and does “postfix reload”. If you run “postfix reload” only, the .cf files are not merged together.
As alternative, inside the container you could run:
I see you use “mcedit” as file editor. First of all, note that you have “vi” inside the container. If one prefer another editor, it is possible to install it inside the container, with the Alpine apk
command. For example:
apk update
apk add mc
When Postfix container is stopped, the added software is lost because it does not belong to its base image. Instead, which belongs to a mounted volume, persists.
Thanks again,
meanwhile I rebooted the server NS8 in the lunchtime and some minutes ago the boss said, it’s now possible to send answer mails from smartphone!
I’m glad to hear this and wish you and your comrade-in-arms a very nice day.
I see you use “mcedit” as file editor. First of all, note that you have “vi” inside the container. If one prefer another editor, it is possible to install it inside the container, with the Alpine `apk` command. For example:
Thank you for this advice, but if it is necessary I use the “good old vi” (… with a opened help file because of terrible commands to remember…). In my generation we used NortonCommander as the universal tool under DOS and that’s why, I like to use MidnightCommander under linux. Please be lenient.