Better certificate buttons

I’m splitting the discussion from here:

This is what @mark_nl said:

Upload certificate may not cover al the options (ie Request Let's Eencrypt certificate ) can’t think of a better text :thinking: … any suggestions? cc// @giacomo @edoardo_spadoni

I don’t like it either, but it’s a design pattern from Patternfly so we tried to stick on it.

I have 2 different proposal:

  • split the button into 3 different elements
  • keep the same stile but expose “Request Let’s Encrypt certitificate” as default action: nowadays usage of LE is much more common than uploading a custom cert

What do you think @dev_team?

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Just splitting the button list in three buttons seems not enough to me. They are three distinct actions:

  • Upload adds an item to the list
  • Request adds a special LE item if it does not already exist then allows to edit it
  • Edit changes the self signed certificate

If we go to a major UI rework I’d like to split the panel in three distinct sections with proper headings, buttons, switches, lists and labels.

As quick alternative, I’d agree to promote “Letsencrypt” as main action button.


As-long as it is on the list of possible improvements :slight_smile:

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