It’s about using NFS4 which has issues when setting owners that don’t exist on the NAS side.
The rsync_tmbackup wants to set same owner/permissions on the NAS as on the NS7. But for example the zabbix user doesn’t exist on the NAS, so it’s not possible to change the owner of /etc/zabbix/psk.shared to user zabbix and you get the “Invalid Argument” error.
You could try to configure NFS3 on the Synology NAS or use Samba instead of NFS4.
Hi Markuz
Good to know is specific to nethserver or is a bug/issue on the nfs4 version itself?
Anyway i set on NFSv3 because if i choose “CIFS” i have only “Duplicity” or “Restic”
Now i launch the backup let see if it works now.