Automysqlbackup: Integration of rh-mariadb103

Hi Stephane,
for a new implementation, I use rh-mariadb103, but it seems, this release is not integrated into automysqlbackup. Right?
How I can integrate rh-mariadb103 into automysqlbackup?

Sincerely, Marko

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it seems you are right :smiley:

that’s not good

[root@ns7loc13 mysql]# mysqldump --socket=/var/lib/rh-mariadb103/mariadb.sock mysql > toto.dump
mysqldump: Got error: 1556: "You can't use locks with log tables" when using LOCK TABLES
[root@ns7loc13 mysql]# mysqldump --socket=/var/lib/rh-mariadb103/mariadb.sock --lock-tables=0  mysql > toto.dump

to be short, we cannot use mysqldump to dump the table of mariadb103we need to drop the lock table at least on the log table

clean the yum cache and update nethserver-automysqlbackup automysqlbackup, it should be good now

Could you please verify that the backup is good ?


I would be pleased if you do a real restoration case, install a wordpress dump the mysql db and restore it.

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Thank you, @stephdl ,
Update worked well. A manual automysqlbackup do not get a different, extended output. The same as before.

drwx------ 2 root root 110 Nov 29 17:49 mysql
drwx------ 2 root root 118 Nov 29 17:49 nextcloud
drwx------ 2 root root 120 Nov 29 17:49 phpmyadmin
drwx------ 2 root root 126 Nov 29 17:49 roundcubemail
drwx------ 2 root root 116 Nov 29 17:49 smbaudit

Unfortunately, I cannot test more because I’m offline for the next days.
Sincerely, Marko

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In fact what you have to test (later no problem), it is that you have a real dump, because I saw that the dump was empty.

Untar the archive

gunzip *

Check that you have something good inside, then try to restore