Fan of open source, I use since kernel 1.0
I started with slackware, continued with fedora, redhat and I currently live with ubuntu.
I like ice cream, rock, video games and in my free time, I travel on my motorcycle
Follow me:
blog: https://drivemeca.blogspot.com
twitter: @drivemeca
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/videojuegosyopensource
LinkedIn: https://co.linkedin.com/in/manuelcabreracaballero
MasterCard: https://share.payoneer.com/nav/SXppmJKKCGCKRSu6QG09C2PbbqSRtg_PPr_5sfzMMvk8yH41YpWcSLGyjbpIdSMyRJe3BFMOSL-_iJA5X2FqwQ2