Zentyal vs NethServer comparison matrix

What? I really don’t understand!:open_mouth:

Oh! excuse me. I’m working on it, similart art, Slowly, bit by bit

I love infographics but I’m not good at these things. Would you mind setting up a visual comparison?
You should do this based on our matrix and NethServer 7 features


I want to bring out something infographic in that regard.

If it is for NS7 much better. We would be pointing to the correct target.


  • Final list - or at least RC - what will compare
  • Brief description of what is being compared
  • A preliminary date and end date
  • Partners contributing ideas

I’m working on some development updates, so you can add more info to your infographics


I want to refer to something of a thread about it and Discourse would not let me see.

I want to review the comparison matrix @vhinzsanchez

I had to click on the avatar to teach Discourse that was what I needed to read: An UTM comparison matrix with NS

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Sure @apradoc. If you could PM me your Google ID, I can give you access. I also think that the table has been outdated, could use some help to update.


Agree, what help do you need?

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Just to update the table. This will be useful not only for me but for the community in particular and any system admin in general. As you know, I have been out of circulation for some time…though simple checks here was made. The work I have now requires me to invest more time as project looms and I was also recently been made an officer of our homeowners assoc.

Rest assured, I’ll be here, not as actively but will still drop from time to time.


Don’t worry, be happy (@apradoc)

Thanks for your time anyway

Just my 2 cents: I think it is good to compare more or less similar distros, but I think that since the release of Zentyal 4.0, the aim of either distro has grown so far apart that comparing them is almost impossible.

Distro’s that come much closer to NethServer are Univention and ClearOS. Maybe ISPConfig, but that also has some other aims.

We should focus on the strong points of NethServer and publish those!


I don’t think that Univention can be compared with NS. Not even with Zentyal 4.2.
Can be only DC/AD, File Server, Print Server, with some additional apps. Can be used only in LAN (GREEN Zone). No UTM facilities. At least what I could see in 10 minutes …

"UCS functions

  • Microsoft Active Directory compatible domain services
  • Integrated app center to install third-party applications and additional UCS components
  • Network and intranet services
  • Server management"

Totally agree with you!


Which arw those strong point? I’d like to highlight them on our new site

Yes, I’m totally agree…
We must focus on Nethserver forces… Comparing with other distro is not so usefull if the distro i s not really close.
The only reall distro to compare is ClearOS, and Koozali.

Zentiyal and Univention are not Firewall/Gateway.

Well, … everything? From Developers to Community, through NethServer!:wink:


Zentyal has a little bit of Firewall. You can set RED, GREEN, ORANGE zones, you can add firewall rules, AV, Anti Spam, …
Univention has nothing of those.

Ah, nm mentioning Univention then. My bad.
So in the end it comes to very little distributions that actualy have more or less the same functionality as NS?

IMO the strong points of NS are the completeness of functionality, the scalability and the modularity. Besides that the strong support from the community and developers.

Important is to keep momentum in growing our community. Keep that commitment high and the engagement even higher.


Univention has no router/firewall feature.

Making a recap, implemented the AD part with NethServer 7

  • Univention and Zentyal don’t have GW/Firewall part
  • What about Zentyal and Univention community?
  • ClearOS is our great competitor!

Good, I already took notice.

Wrong! Zentyal has!

Zentyal Community: A lot of questions, very few answers (almost all from the community).