Web content filter fails when using a profile with a user or group

I’m trying to configure Web content filter, but it fails if I start to create profiles with users or groups.

If have only the Default profile, or if have a profile with a host in the “Who” section all works fine.

The problem is when I add a profile with a user or group in the “Who” section.

This is what I have in the logs after creating the first profile with a user


2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] loading dbfile /var/squidGuard/blacklists/update/domains.db
2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] init domainlist /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/domains
2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] loading dbfile /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/domains.db
2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] init urllist /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/urls
2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] loading dbfile /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/urls.db
2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] Added User: testuser
2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] syntax error in configfile /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf line 319
2016-10-03 13:25:15 [4354] Going into emergency mode

And this is what I have if I delete that profile and only the Default profile remains


2016-10-03 13:25:48 [4649] loading dbfile /var/squidGuard/blacklists/update/domains.db
2016-10-03 13:25:48 [4649] init domainlist /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/domains
2016-10-03 13:25:48 [4649] loading dbfile /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/domains.db
2016-10-03 13:25:48 [4649] init urllist /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/urls
2016-10-03 13:25:48 [4649] loading dbfile /var/squidGuard/blacklists/audio-video/urls.db
2016-10-03 13:25:48 [4649] squidGuard 1.4 started (1475522748.842)
2016-10-03 13:25:48 [4649] squidGuard ready for requests (1475522748.867)

Thank you.

Hello Carlos,

I just tried with a user and it’s working for me and no error in the log

I used 6.8 release

Sorry I didn’t mention my version. I’m using 7.2.1511 (beta2).

It is probably something wrong with my configuration, but I can’t tell what it is.

Note: I don’t know how to upload a file to the post. I want to upload /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf, so you can see the bad line.

This is a bug I was hunting since yesterday, I’m working on it :slight_smile:

The package is ready for testing, would you mind to try it?

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-squidguard

We’re covering this issue in another discussion, anyway @Carlos_Estrada thanks for reporting it! :+1:
Please move on this and help us to test the new package