We must organize the doc

Hi Friend, this week, i’ll call you.


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Just split it and i’ll take a part, to help you with.

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who will accept and manage all pull request ?

The other thread is about the stuff… What to use? The choice ( the debate) is not closed yet.
This thread is about the existing doc.

I see a wiki as a way to organise the existing doc and the future doc. the link on the wiki could point on an existing address in a Discourse topic.

But perhaps there’s intermediate solution, like the Knowledge base.
Like this: http://community.ubnt.com/t5/tkb/v2/communitypage

What do you think about a simple page, under the Doc team responsibility to organize, with linked discourse howtos topics?

Edit: it can be a link to a discourse topic, but a link to a youtube channel too…

Where is the Howto Team?

I would like to know the point of view members of this Team…

this is a post of @AbsyntH who was not able to post a howto in discouse, he needed to use pastebin → bind9+facileManager webui

discourse is a forum, not a wiki

That’s odd, I CAN! :smiley:

Alias /facileManager /var/www/html/facileManager
<Directory "/var/www/html/facileManager">
  AllowOverride All

ok i give up :slight_smile:

Nono, don’t give up man :slight_smile: you know… I work always for you.

Where there’s no way to have a solution that can satisfy everyone, my philosophy is:

  • Try it for a while – live with it
  • Gather basic feedback
  • Adjust it over time based on feedback from living with it

So, @stephdl would you mind to create a new dokuwiki istance? NethServer only - let me know if you need a hand for VM or you can do it on your own.
Organize it as you like, @Jim Jim’s suggestions sound good for me.

Let’s try and look what happens :slight_smile:

Just two requests from me:

  • No force people to create yet another account, using GitHub auth at least (see auth extension)
  • Add Markdown support, so we can import existing Discourse Howto and in case smoothly export data on other wiki/destinations

What do you think?


@stephdl @alefattorini @jim and the other guys,
If i can help with something please let me know.
You have my support on this

Best regards

Whatever you decide to try, I will follow that lead. If it will be GitHub, then please link to some detailed howto. I am no devver at all (understatement) and absolutely not familiar with GitHub or ‘GitHub-like’ solutions. I know you can pull and fork, but what that does… beats me… So I’m afraid I will need a detailed step by step to get that working…

I will start reading this: https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/


Rob we are working on it :smile:


I’d like to add: The output Github gives through ReadTheDocs is quite usefull. A big PLUS is that you can easily downloud the content in several different formats. I only hope that it will be ‘easy enough’ so everybody can participate easily producing documentation.

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Just created a quick and dirty instance of dokuwiki: http://www.nethserver.org/dokuwiki/
This is NOT the final version, but its’ only for testing purpose.
Github (oAuth) authentication plugin is installed but not configured.

I also created and admin account for @stephdl.
Please try and share your thoughts. :smile:


I can have a go, but it will never the work of just one man…that’s not possible.

I tried to start something, visible at http://mirror.de-labrusse.fr/doku.php, does the layout can be reused ?

It would be awesome if discourse accounts and wiki accounts can be synced…

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It’s fair, as a matter of fact it’s a team work, Docs Team? Would you mind to coordinate it?
A lot of members requested a wiki, now it’s time to roll up our sleeves: @AbsyntH @stephdl @Jim @zamboni @robb @dz00te @apradoc @Ctek

You’re right! This is just a test instance, so anybody can play with it without damage you instance :wink:
If the community will decide this is the right path, we will create a fool-proof instance managed by multiple people :smile:

It seems Discourse isn’t an oAuth provider, so this is not possible but you can use gihtub (or facebook, yahoo, google and even dockerhub) to access both.

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add me… happy to help out here

/edit added myself (created an account on dokuwiki)

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Looks not easy, there’s an API

I can share the API but I don’t know how to use it on dokuwiki auth extension