Try out Nethserver 7 beta1

Wow folks! I’m vacation this week… but your testing work is AWESOME!


Happy vacation friend :pizza:

The bug is not fixed yet.
A solution can be tested when there is the testing label :wink:

I agree, I hope @davidep have time to fix it today!

1 Like

Again, thanks for reporting!

These warning are present also on NS 6. The fix is a lot of code compared to the benefits: I fear to introduce bugs only for muting warnings displayed once. :smiley:

I need to dig a bit, but I agree with you: those warnings can be ignored.

It’s an upstream bug, just cosmetic (but really annoying).

I did some tests, the warning doesn’t prevent the correct usage of ntopng.

Will be fixed here: collectd - monitor only locally connected ups · Issue #5049 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

Should be fixed in: Can't install nethserver-messaging with nethserver-dc · Issue #5052 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

Already seen for nethserver-samba-audit, should be fixed in: Undefined subroutine &esmith::util::genRandomHash · Issue #5057 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

This specific error should be fixed using nethserver-sssd from testing repo ( NethServer::SSSD: can't use method port() · Issue #5051 · NethServer/dev · GitHub )


I know and I understood this.

I just went to check in “real life”, not on VM, fake FQDN, …, because I saw that on Virtual environment, issues may occur.


3 posts were split to a new topic: stream_select() errors

trying to use nethserver-sogo with the nethserver-dc I couldn’t authenticate.

/var/log/sogo/sogo.log shows the following lines:
ERROR ... NAME:LDAPException REASON:operation bind failed: Strong(er) authentication required (0x8) INFO ...

Issue is apparently a security patch for Samba4 which now needs the line:

ldap server require strong auth = no

added to the smb.conf to be able to do plain text binds. See

As per, I fixed this by modifying the file in the nsdc container:
`# systemd-run -M nsdc -t /bin/bash

cd /etc/samba

sed '7 a\

    tls priority = SECURE192:+SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0\
    tls enabled = yes\
    ldap server require strong auth = no

’ smb.conf -i`

Maybe this new line can be included in next release.

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This problem should be fixed. Could you please verify that’s really fixed? Thanks.

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Yes, updating from the nethserver-testing to v1.0.1-1.4 works for me. You guys are ahead of me (did check the git for nethserver-dc but not the dev which I now learned contain the issues :slight_smile: )!


Thanks to the great feedback from our testers it’s time for a new RPM release round :checkered_flag:

Since the ISO was built we released a lot of bug fixes! Again, check them out from the Software Center (mirrors are synchronizing)!

Closed issues on v7

Released updates

From now on

We’re moving towards an RC release!

There were many things to fix: if you feel something was left behind or you think you found something new do not hesitate to point it out :wink:


Tried to install webtop. Got an error with epel repo, when I tried to install nethserver-web on gui. On command line “yum install @nethserver-web” worked. Now I need to install php-imap. Changing nethserver-web fails. epel repo fails also. Installation of webtop fails, because it needs php-imap.
So what to do?? :confused: Can anybody help me?

TIA. Ralf

Please copy/paste some logs and terminal error

of course, sorry:

from messages log:
Jul 22 13:02:03 ns7b1 pkgaction[16796]: [YumRPMCheckError] [u’FEHLER bei Transaktionspr\xfcfung gegen\xfcber Depsolve:’, ‘php-imap is needed by nethserver-webtop4-1.3.0-1.ns7.noarch’]

when I try to install php-imap from gui

when I try to install php-imap from command line:

with enablerepo=epel

Epel repo should be installed corrctly:

Which repo to use?

php-imap comes from EPEL, which is enabled by default. Please check your repositories and turn EPEL enabled:

yum repolist -v

[root@ns7b1 /]# yum repolist -v
Loading “changelog” plugin
Loading “fastestmirror” plugin
Loading “nethserver_events” plugin
Config time: 0.015
Yum version: 3.4.3
base | 3.6 kB 00:00:00

One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown),
and yum doesn’t have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only
safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work “fix” this:

 1. Contact the upstream for the repository and get them to fix the problem.

 2. Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. for the repository, to point to a working
    upstream. This is most often useful if you are using a newer
    distribution release than is supported by the repository (and the
    packages for the previous distribution release still work).

 3. Disable the repository, so yum won't use it by default. Yum will then
    just ignore the repository until you permanently enable it again or use
    --enablerepo for temporary usage:

        yum-config-manager --disable <repoid>

 4. Configure the failing repository to be skipped, if it is unavailable.
    Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands,
    so will have to try and fail each time (and thus. yum will be be much
    slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often a nice

        yum-config-manager --save --setopt=<repoid>.skip_if_unavailable=true

Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel/x86_64. Please verify its path and try again

epel is enabled:

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch

if I enable baseurl and disable mirrorlist it works!!
seems to be a problem of epel-mirrors. maybe a temporary failure?

sorry for being that blind! :blush:

thanks @davidep

successfully installed and entered webtop gui!


9 posts were split to a new topic: Why I don’t see ownCloud on NethServer 7?

Hello to everybody.
This is my first experience with NS7b1.
The installation on KVM was Ok.
i try to add a new user test but something went wrong…

Jul 25 14:39:14 pdc esmith::event[20846]: [INFO] memcached restart
Jul 25 14:39:14 pdc esmith::event[20846]: Action:
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/adjust-services SUCCESS [0.463643]
Jul 25 14:39:14 pdc esmith::event[20846]: Action:
/etc/e-smith/events/user-create/S90nethserver-sssd-clear-cache SUCCESS
Jul 25 14:39:14 pdc esmith::event[20846]: Event: user-create SUCCESS
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20895]: Event: password-policy-update
test yes
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20895]: Action:
SUCCESS [0.08973]
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20895]: Failed to get machine PTY: No
such file or directory
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20895]: Action:
SUCCESS [0.35345]
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20895]: Event: password-policy-update
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20905]: Event: password-modify /tmp/ng-sPsteS
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20905]: Action:
/etc/e-smith/events/password-modify/S25password-set SUCCESS [0.004986]
Jul 25 14:39:15 pdc esmith::event[20905]: spawn /usr/bin/systemd-run -M
nsdc -q -t /usr/bin/samba-tool user setpassword test
Jul 25 14:39:16 pdc esmith::event[20905]: New Password:
Jul 25 14:39:16 pdc esmith::event[20905]: ERROR: Failed to set password
for user ‘test’: Unable to find user "test"
Jul 25 14:39:16 pdc esmith::event[20905]: Action:
FAILED: 2 [1.009179]
Jul 25 14:39:17 pdc esmith::event[20905]: ERROR: Failed to enable user
’test’: Unable to find account where
Jul 25 14:39:17 pdc esmith::event[20905]: Action:
/etc/e-smith/events/password-modify/S40nethserver-dc-user-unlock FAILED:
2 [0.773608]
Jul 25 14:39:17 pdc esmith::event[20905]: Action:
/etc/e-smith/events/password-modify/S90password-cleanup SUCCESS
Jul 25 14:39:17 pdc esmith::event[20905]: Event: password-modify FAILED

I have tired several times,

It seems systemd can’t open the PTY to the dc container.

Please try this command:

systemctl restart nsdc

And then

/usr/bin/systemd-run -M nsdc -q -t echo "nsdc is running"

The output of the last command should be:

nsdc is running

If the output is correct try again the change password operation from the web interface.


Hi, giacomo,

thank you very much.
It works!


Now I’m working on … getmail!