[SOLVED] PPPoE and Web proxy issues

Just after errors?

Pictures for zones and rules just after errors:

so where is PPPOE zone ) find it :slight_smile:
have you update your instalation ?

cat /etc/shorewall/hosts

so no pppoe zone , that is why errors persist.
have you update your system ?

If there is no pppoe zone, how the NS works?

The system is up-to-date.
I made all the updates just after first login. After that, I began the configuration of the NS.

db networks show

and show /etc/shorewall/policy

so there is a bug in

edit line 31
next if ($role eq ‘’ || $role eq ‘red’ || $role eq ‘slave’ || $role eq ‘bridged’ || $role eq ‘alias’ || $role eq ‘pppoe’);

and try to recreate.


It works!

Thank you!

i should make fork on GIT :slight_smile: thanks for testing

You should!

Thank you for help! :beers:

already forked. You should make custom template for this file , coz while dev team add it to distro may pass some time.
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/shorewall/rules
cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/shorewall/rules/90squid /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/shorewall/rules/90squid



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Great job @Nas, I’ve missed that file when looking for PPPoE modifications.

I’ve opened an issue:

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@GG_jr, could you update from nethserver-testing, remove the template-custom and verify that everything works as expected? Thanks.
See the above issue for details about the package.

Hi Filippo,

I made the following steps:

  1. The template-custom was removed from /etc/e-smith/
  2. “Block HTTP and HTTPS ports” was disabled (no errors).
  3. NethServer was rebooted (no errors).
  4. Verified “line 31” from /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/shorewall/rules/90squid (ok).
  5. Enabled “Block HTTP and HTTPS ports” for “Transparent” mode (no errors).
  6. Changed “Transparent” mode to “Transparent with SSL” mode (no errors).
  7. Disabled “Block HTTP and HTTPS ports” for “Transparent with SSL” mode (no errors).
  8. Enabled “Block HTTP and HTTPS ports” for “Transparent with SSL” mode (no errors).
  9. Changed “Transparent with SSL” mode to “Transparent” mode (no errors).
  10. Reconfigured PPPoE (no errors).
  11. Verified “line 31” from /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/shorewall/rules/90squid (ok).
  12. Verified access to the Internet (ok).


  1. Posted test result (no errors). :smile:


All above steps was made also last night.

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