SOGo repositories soon to be only for paid support customers

I’m impressed!!

Really really good job! :clap: :clap:

(PS: In the meanwhile I saw that Jalie updated its own repos :wink:
EDIT: I’m wrong! I was looking to the COPRS of Mark :open_mouth:


What? Can’t believe it!
Can I add you the NethServer SOGo maintainer title? :slight_smile:

You deserve one of my preferred pics!


Where/how do you request access to the nethforg?
And how does it work?

I like to get my vanilla sogo 3.20 builds and srpm’s in testing;
for me they work like a charm.

@stephdl , could you have a brief look at the spec files?
They build like a charm, there is nothing wrong with them;
but i’d like your opinion and maybe learn something.

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More info here or ask @davidep

Nothing much to add :slight_smile: as I said I’m not really a rpm guru, however I could advice on two things

the %changelog could be written just after the %description (to avoid to scroll down when you build a new rpm)

What about the first builder, did you try to contact him and ask an update or collaborate with him. Sometime two brains are better than just one. I have not compared with the srpm of Inverse but I bet it is not the same and he did some changes to make it workable.

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Just send your ssh public key Davide with a private message and and we will give you the access (and the instructions, probably we forgot to publish them).

When a package has passed the QA, Stephane (or someone from the dev team), will move the rpm into the forge updates!

Thx a lot!

He didn’t leave any contact information, but ill try to find it again.

Inverse must be using some build macro’s or at least set some %… variables. Without them its not possible to rebuild a sprm they provide. So I diffed “originals” with others had done refactored the “originals” to build against epel 7 in mock. I truly believe inverse does not build in / against clean sources.

BTW the “originals” are in a separate branch; so everybody can “diff” them

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Done, and i think i figured it out. :relaxed:


Hi there,

I need some reflection on the insane versioning of sope (dependency of sogo)
My curl pit is get the new packages to update with sane versioning

here we go: In original versioning of sope we have
sope_version 3.2.0 (=version of courses and in sync with sogo)
sope_major_version 4
sope_minor_version 9
sope_release JJJJMMDD_1664
sope_buildcount 1

Resulting in this:

 Package                             Arch              Version                                                              Repository                                  Size
 sope49-appserver                    x86_64            4.9-20161021_1664.ns7.1                                              nethlocal                                           920 k

Looking at specs of others, they have the same thoughts about the sanaty of versioning and just gave it the source version (=sope_version 3.2.0).

 Package                                Arch                 Version                   Repository               Size
 sope49-cards                           x86_64               3.2.0-2.ns7               nethlocal               180 k

witch of cause does not update on our installs…

So i though someting like this:

sope49-appserver-devel.x86_64                           4.9-                               nethlocal`

It does not update…:rage:

the only way i get it working is keeping that bogus release tag (sope_release JJJJMMDD_1664)

all ideas are welcome :cold_sweat:

maybe I didn’t understand your issue, but you must follow the sope rpm version of sogo, even if they made a horrible bug. It is like Centos and RHEL, Centos is a bug to bug clone.

I know that the sope version is not easily upgradable with sogo2 and sogo3, the reinstallation is a mandatory → Sogo - SME Server

it is not a real issue, in the NS repository some how there is a Sope package with a “nightly” release tag (JJJJMMDD_1664). I hoped there was a “obsoletes” ( as I am used of Arch Linux) that no matter what replaces a package.
The only way can think of is ask users to downgrade for a update :joy:
Or keep on going with “nightly” release tags.

And inverse should version sope right, there are binary’s in there with version 4.9.231. This is not reflected on the versioning of the sope package, its 4.9.

EDIT BTW, sogo 3.2.0 runs just fine on the old Sope so we could not be worried at all :innocent:

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I recall some fun bugs when the version is not the good one expected :slight_smile:

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this funny version was already used at the time their repository was open, see sogo3 is released

an upgrade from sogo2 to sogo3 didn’t update sope.

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But nothing stops re-installing the “old” package.

we don’t have this problem, you can always downgrade. You get the package released in the netforge.
the “problem” is in the netforrge older packages with a “newer” release tag.

Edit all nightly releases should be corrected by a downgrade. Even if they are from 1999, in a nutshell that’s the issue.


Thanx! have not figured it out completely, it be just the answer to my problem.

Just checking: I hope I should read this as: since Nethserver uses the sources, this message about SOGo not being available without subscription, is not all that relevant. Right ?

If not, when will Nethserver support for SOGo be dropped and will I have a way of continuing to use it on Nethserver without running into a bunch of issues ? If not, is there any Outlook and EAS enabled alternative ?

The procedure is documented at

Actually I build the rpm and push it to nethforge but other might do it of course. The state of sogo is a community software, Nethesis tries to push webtop to his customers for particular/personal reasons.

After said that, i use the nightly build repository of sogo since months without issues


Can anybody provide a URL for the changelog documentation for SoGo?

(I am interested to see if there has been any changes / improvements to this project – not touched SoGo since the December / January).