Sogo does not get the good LDAP settings

Actually, that further breaks things … at least, when I edit this in /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/sogo/sogo.conf/45users_source

keeping this: (original config in e-smith/templates/etc/sogo/sogo.conf/45user_source )

/* 45 AD authentication */
    SOGoUserSources =(
        id = AD_Users;
        type = ldap;
        CNFieldName = cn;
        IDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
        UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
        IMAPLoginFieldName = $CustomEmailField;
        canAuthenticate = YES;
        bindDN = "$bindDN";
        bindPassword = "$bindPassword";
        baseDN = "$userDN";
        bindFields = (
        hostname = $ldapURI;
        filter = "(objectClass='user')";
        MailFieldNames = ("$CustomEmailField");
        scope = SUB;
        displayName = "$DomainName users";
        isAddressBook = YES;

…works for DISPLAYING things correctly, but setting rights will fail in this scenario. I can not find the place where SOGo sets the permissions and have trouble finding out where it is taking its values for setting them.

It seems the email property is used, not userPrincipalName (which holds username@domain.tld) … could this be SOGo using the wrong property when setting ACL’s and not at all Nethserver implementation ?

Lets work on this :thinking:
moderator, could it be an idea to split this off?

So … meh … it’s getting late and I just realized it could get confusing quick. With the CURRENT sogo version and when using an alias, while setting rights with SOGo, you will search for the user and see


When you then look in dovecot-acl, you get username without ‘’:


I tried to awk something together, but that didnt quite work … anybody any clues how to make this work:

find /var/lib/nethserver/vmail/user* -type f -name dovecot-acl -exec gawk '!($1 ~ / && (/user*/) {$1=$1 ""} 1' {} +

It looks in the vmail dir for any user’s (they all start with abc) dovecot-acl and looks if the first column contains abc* but NOT *, then adds to the first column when these conditions are met.

Effectively changing acb123 to

Except, our gawk doesnt support -i inplace nor can I use echo in this construction … and then I was out of ideas for tonight.

@planet_jeroen @stephdl
I feel responsible for this mess: did not had the guts, nor the knowledge, to shift the identification by SOGo to name@ns_domain.hoho . Meaning in the SOGo mysql db users are identified by ‘name’ without @ns_domain.hoho.
The issues I could not solve where “virtual” mail-domains while identifying users with “FQDN’s” and migrating to FQD-Named users.

I can’t say, or promise, more than it’s has my attention trying to solve your issue.


The workaround is going into the dovecot-acl file and adding a string to the user. This can be scripted and cron’ed, no people will die because of it and many newcomers benefitted, but a clean solution would be welcome.

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in fact the workaround is

get the good ldap settings
change mysql table name from sogouserxxxxxxxxxxxx to sogouser@domain.comxxxxxxxxxxxx

the dovecot-acl is just a consequence, not really the trouble

a bit harder, the new name cannot be determined

MariaDB [sogo]> show tables;
| Tables_in_sogo                |
| sogo_alarms_folder            |
| sogo_folder_info              |
| sogo_sessions_folder          |
| sogo_user_profile             |
| sogoadminnet0033fea5312       |
| sogoadminnet0033fea5312_acl   |
| sogoadminnet0033fea5312_quick |
| sogohelenene0021d871397       |
| sogohelenene0021d871397_acl   |
| sogohelenene0021d871397_quick |
| sogototoneth0014a9634ab       |
| sogototoneth0014a9634ab_acl   |
| sogototoneth0014a9634ab_quick |

the full email is

I do not fully understand what you mean here;
Is the solution found in migrating the users in the sogo db to FQDNs?

when you change the ldap settings to use the email for dovecot-acl and to display the full name in sogo, the map between the user and the mysql is lost, calendar and contact cannot be retrieved

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what is in the back of my mind is:
(Installation and Configuration Guide)


Parameter used to enable user identification by domain. Users will be able (without being required) to login using the form username@domain, meaning that values of UIDFieldName no longer have to be unique among all domains but only within the same domain. Internally, users will always be identified by the concatenation of their username and domain.

Consequently, activating this parameter on an existing system implies that user identifiers will change and their previous calendars and address books will no longer be accessible unless a conversion is performed.

Defaults to NO when unset.

Would this help us?

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Don’t know but it is the same symptom…I hope that even if we lost settings, calendar and contacts, we could put them back by the backup trigerred each night. But of course we need a manual administrator action.

@asl @mark_nl @mrmarkuz @m.traeumner @planet_jeroen and all other this is what I plan to make, no hurry first we discuss of it

what I want to solve :

=> allow the imap acl to share the email box by dovecot
=> display the full name (in the top left corner)

all of this is for SambaAD (not sure that for ldap we need all of this)

 for the good full displayed name

CNFieldName = cn;

should be

CNFieldName = displayName;

to allow the good imap acl

   UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;

should be

    UIDFieldName = userPrincipalName;

My plan is

create a migration fragment and look after two properties UIDFieldName and CNFieldName

  • case properties exist -> do nothing
  • case properties AND sogo mariadb do not exist-> create UIDFieldName and CNFieldName with good values we want (It is a new installation)
  • case properties do not exist AND sogo mariadb exists->create UIDFieldName and CNFieldName with the actual (bad) values because it is an older installation to migrate (in short do nothing and wait a manual migration if wanted)

now the live manual migration

I create a bash script, we will need the backup we do each night, in short

  • create a dump of mysql (I do not like headache)
  • cp backupfolder/user to backupfolder/user@domainName
  • migrate some user values to user@domainName in the relevant sogo backup file
  • import the backup to sogo mariadb by sogo-tool
  • set the correct values of properties UIDFieldName and CNFieldName
  • expand-template to the sogo configuration file
  • restart sogo and enjoy

this is my script

# script to fix  the bad ldap settings sogo
# stephane de labrusse <>

DOMAIN=$(/usr/sbin/e-smith/config get  DomainName)
DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S')

if [ -z "${MYBACKUPDIR}" ]; then
    exec >&2
    echo "Restore the good UID user@domainName"
    echo ""
    echo "Usage: " 
    echo "    " $(basename $0) "/var/lib/sogo/backups/sogo-DateOfBackup"
    echo ""
    exit 1 

echo "# dump the sogo database"
/usr/bin/mysqldump sogo > /root/sogo-MARIADB-$DATE.dump

   #set good values for ldap
   config setprop sogod UIDFieldName userPrincipalName CNFieldName displayName
   expand-template /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
   systemctl restart sogod
    for i in `ls`
        if [[ $i =~ $DOMAIN ]]; then

        echo "#"
        echo "#change name of $i to $i@$DOMAIN"
        echo "#"
        /usr/bin/cp -f $i $i\@$DOMAIN
        /usr/bin/sed -i "s|/Users/$i|/Users/$i@$DOMAIN|g" $i@$DOMAIN
        /usr/bin/sed -i "s|$i:|$i@$DOMAIN:|g" $i@$DOMAIN
        sogo-tool restore -p $MYBACKUPDIR $i@$DOMAIN
        sogo-tool restore -f ALL $MYBACKUPDIR $i@$DOMAIN

you call it by

myScript /var/lib/sogo/backups/sogo-2018-02-06_003

Of course what we will break is all links we did in carddav/caldav/ when we used user in place after of user@domainName
The purpose is to let in the hand of the admin the choice to fix or not the ldap settings, new installations will start with the good values.

After that if something went wrong, restore mariadb and it is done, I tested on my server with my caldav/carddav and it seems workable

# this fragment is done to set the good values to UIDFieldName and CNFieldName
# if it is a new install, we can remove it for ns8

use NethServer::SSSD;
use esmith::ConfigDB;

my $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Can't open config database: $!\n";
my $sssd = new NethServer::SSSD();

my $UIDFieldName = $db->get_prop('sogod','UIDFieldName') || '';
my $CNFieldName =  $db->get_prop('sogod','CNFieldName') || '';

if ($sssd->isLdap){
    if (($UIDFieldName eq '') && ( ! -d '/var/lib/mysql/sogo')) {
    elsif (($UIDFieldName eq '') && ( -d '/var/lib/mysql/sogo')) {
    if ((($UIDFieldName eq '') || ($CNFieldName eq '')) 
              && ( ! -d '/var/lib/mysql/sogo')){
    elsif ((($UIDFieldName eq '') || ($CNFieldName eq '')) 
              && ( -d '/var/lib/mysql/sogo')){

In my opinion it’s a good idea, a similar point to echo "#change name of $i to $i@$DOMAIN" was already discussed.

So I think there will be some people who are interested in that.
The full name would be also important for sending mails.

what about if you map to and you try to use to login ?

Oh, I’ve only found this thread and thought it could be interesting, because they want to login with any mailaddress…
Can you tell me how to map one address to another? I think if I do so, I have only one Inbox, is it right?
What else happens if you map one address to the other?

menu email address > tab mail aliases

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Tested it quickly

We might add it, but once enabled you must use the samba AD field userPrincipalName or the mail ldap field to login, it means

The issue for me is that a user who uses to send email with the will want probably to use it and he will have an Authentification error. I understand it is a nethserver limitation

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I have no clue how the proposed will impact my situation … I will have to test. I will also have to re-read this later today and make sure I get what you are changing and why :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello @stephdl, sorry for my late reply for this topic - I had some days off. My input on that:

Also field MailFieldName is an issue:
My installtions all have to deal with mutliple email domains. To make sogo working well I need to set MailFieldName correct (this is mandatory fo meeting invitations to work!!). I need to be able to set this field as needed (different Domains!).

A) nethserver = Samba DC:

MailFieldNames = (“E-Mail”);
or commetn this filed out (which results into same).
// MailFieldNames = (“userPrincipalName”);
Now I can set my individual E-Mails in field ‘E-Mail’ using Windows AD Tools:

This solution works fine, but can not be done in Nethserver only (besie using phpLDAPadmin).

B) nethserver = stand alone:

MailFieldNames = (“l”);
Now I do not have a separate field for email and I had to use one of the existing fields to enter my correct email. I ended up to use existign field ‘l’ (done via phpLDAPadmin). I used an existing one to avoid possible problems with future updates, hoping that this solution will last for long:

This is more a dirty hack but working.
I would like to sees a possibility to enter ‘sogo email’ inside nethserver user setup. This field should be used for Sogo MailFieldNames then.

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