Slow upload of multimedia files

is the fact that I can not upload media files, at an acceptable speed using drive sync, is due to some firewall settings?

I think you have to test some more things. Is it only from one computer? Can you copy a big file from one to an other computer in an acceptable speed in your network?

Please tell us something about your network and firewall configuration.

what information do you need? does the firewall also affect the upload on the internet, not the internal network?

  • Is nethserver your gateway
  • Where should the file be stored? Nextcloud, AD shares…?
  • Do you try with host name or IP?
  • Firewall rules?

You can set rules for all types of interfaces, also the red one (should be used for internet connection)

yes my gateway is nethserver
the files should be stored on google drive
host name or ip in what sense?
yes I have some firewall rules, but I do not understand much because I did not create them. What should I look at exactly?

I thought you want to sync files at your local network, and if you try it with hostname it could be a dns problem.

Does the connection works without nethserver correct?

I think you have to look at traffic shaping.

I found that Suricata could slow down file transfers.
